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  1. Okay, it's goodies I need to address my comments to (sorry again, bypassblade, I made a mistake blasting you). So, goodies, I just want to say, to your response that if smoking decided to take you tomorrow, you wouldn't care--unfortunately, death caused by smoking is rarely quick, unless you have a fatal heart attack. And they are still painful, even though death may be quick. More likely, it would be a slow and agonizingly painful death. That you want to keep smoking and drinking is your prerogative; you have the right to do so, but you're kidding yourself if you think you won't someday regret it. Me mum died from emphysema due to heavy smoking, and the last 6 months of her life, she was totally bedridden, couldn't talk at all or breathe very well and she suffered terribly. She also lost an eye and was nearly blind in the other eye, due to the damage caused by smoking. But let me ask you this--being as heavy a smoker as you say you are--are you not coughing sometimes? Wheezing and finding it hard to catch your breath when you exert yourself? If you say you are not, I'm afraid I would find it hard to believe you. Good luck.
  2. To bypassblade: Ah, you must be young and haven't had to gasp for breath yet because of your smoking. Keep smoking--you'll get there, I promise! Or maybe you'll end up with esophageal cancer--that's real cool, too, your skin turns black as coal and you can't breathe or eat, have to be bedridden and fed intravenously. . . betcha can't wait for it! Or you could end up with a brain aneurism or stroke and be paralyzed and/or drooling and unable to speak. . .still going for cool, here? As far as celebs or rock stars with fags looking cool? That's a matter of opinion. To me they just look stupid, like women in spike heels that can barely keep their balance and you know their feet are killing them. They think they look cool, but to me they look ridiculous. Well, kid, rock on, as they say. . .(but I would take some time to re-think your priorities, if ya get my drift. . . )!
  3. Also, one other thing--immediately (if you get the urge to smoke) go and find another activity that will occupy your mind and keep you busy. Preferably something that you enjoy doing. If you're home, go for a walk, take a shower, watch the telly, put on some good music you enjoy, read a good book, or have a little healthy snack. You'll know what works for you and what doesn't, these are just suggestions. Do what works for you. Keep focused on your goal and do not let anything get you off the track! You have people who care and want you to succeed! I am one of them
  4. Hi, I'm so glad to hear you're determined to quit and are taking steps to see that you will be successful! I know you can do it! When (or if) you feel the urge to smoke, remind yourself of all the reasons you want to quit, and feel the feeling you know you would feel after having resisted the urge, how good it feels to maintain control over those urges....and after a few minutes, I promise you--the urge will pass. Also, remember to take about 3 deep breaths, slowly and calmly and as you are doing so, hear yourself in your mind saying very firmly, "NO! I choose not to smoke! I am in control and I do not need a cigarette." If you follow these steps, I can promise you it will help you a lot and you will be able to quit for good this time. Best of luck!
  5. I am a hypnotherapist in the U.S. who specializes in Quitting Smoking. I am in the process of creating an audio download to help smokers become ex-smokers. The other person who responded to you is correct that you have to want to quit, you have to be highly motivated for your own reasons, whatever they are (for your health, for your loved ones, to save a lot of money, etc.). But to say just put out the cig and never pick one up again is way oversimplifying the problem and not helpful. My recording is not yet available, but I wanted to offer you some encouragement and some suggestions. I have seen and heard great things from hypnotherapist Paul McKenna. I have been following his career for about a year now and he is excellent (and I am not getting any kickback in any way from recommending him!). I just feel for your plight and want to help. You might want to watch a video which shows him helping Ellen Degeneris on TV, to help her quit smoking. This board will not let me post a link to the video because I am new here, but you can go to YouTube and type in Paul McKenna Quit smoking and you should be able to find it. You might want to contact Paul McKenna. Just type in his name in Google and you will get his website and how to reach him. You should also watch another YouTube video called Please Quit Smoking. Good luck and I hope you will keep in touch by replying to me; I would like to offer you support in any way that I can, even just to give you lots of encouragement and hand-holding on your journey. Your body is a divine temple, I know you want to help it heal and find a healthful alternative to this dreadful habit. I'm here for you. Marcy
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