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Posts posted by Chelle-82

  1. My daughter is suffering from mental health, depression, anxiety at the moment. Mindset Masters would not help her one little bit. It would probably make her worse. On their advert there is not one mental health expert. What is there? Confidence coach, empowerment coach, speaker and business coach, motivational speaker, entrepreneur and senior entrepreneur. When you are feeling low, this one way to make you feel lower.


    Is your daughter on medication to help alleviate the anxiety? Have you seen the GP about referring to the Sheffield IAPT services?

  2. I agree on 3 mins but I've always put the egg in to the pan with cold water, then bring it to the boil, then start the timer.... the egg cracks if I put it in to already boiling water.


    Or maybe it depends on the temp of the egg to start with, I do keep mine in the fridge :huh:


    I've never had an issue with cracks in my eggs.. I also keep mine in the fridge..


    I do put mine into the boiling water with a wooden spoon though! dont know if that has anything to with it..


    I've also heard you can put vinegar into the water to stop any cracks. i dont know where i heard that..


    ---------- Post added 09-10-2017 at 14:45 ----------


    Same here.


    Last week I eventually cracked it :) One off I expect tho.


    ---------- Post added 08-10-2017 at 15:29 ----------


    Getting my toes in flop flips without having to bend down.




    Hahahaa sorry GW but i need more information :hihi:

  3. Hmmmmm....




    Flies that manage to get through the fly screen


    Margarine instead of butter


    spreadable butter that tears your bread apart


    writing in black ink


    people who use the 'roll eyes' emoji excessively


    metalic lipstick


    the new big eyebrow craze


    people who make tea in coffee mugs and coffee in tea mugs


    public toilets


    Aside from the killing of wasps - animal cruelty


    ---------- Post added 09-10-2017 at 13:27 ----------


    boiling an egg, never get it right but clever arse wife gets it right every time.


    Put egg into the boiling water - time it exactly 3 mins


    Perfection :love:

  4. Will be soon, then you"ll have the delivery man blasting out. good king wencelas.




    I fear with his taste of music its going to be more like Jingle Bells by Greenday!!


    ---------- Post added 06-10-2017 at 13:02 ----------


    Once going to work at 4 30 in the morning, lovely beautiful summers morning. I was whistling, and someone reported me. true. some people.


    Give over!! seriously?

  5. I work for Ikea now and I'm happy with our staff.


    With that being said, I do think we could have recruited more asian / minorities from the areas close to the store. I think we are underrepresented at the moment, but unfortunately I didn't have anything to do with the recruiting process.


    Good job you didn't by the looks of this comment!


    You have to award roles to people through what is called a scoring process.. The individuals capabilities of attainment, experience, aptitudes, personal attributes etc etc.. Ethnicity has absolutely nothing to do with it!


    Ikea would be getting a bombardment of tribunals if you were picking and chosing the staff!!!


    The correct terminology would be, it is a shame that not more local people were qualified for the roles..

  6. Blue ball in Hillsborough - about 15 yrs ago..


    I was mistaken for some other girl by a group of local knuckle dragging women!!!! They all started on me and even had me pinned over one of the pool tables!! I had to kick, punch and claw my way out of the situation.. By some miracle i managed to get them off and then the ''bouncers'' finally dragged them away from me.. I had NEVER had a fight up until that point in all my life..


    I didnt even drink in the Blue Ball! i'd been shopping in Hillsborough and went in to meet a friend who i was supposed to be giving a lift home!!!


    It was the most bizarre experience of my life :hihi:


    ---------- Post added 06-10-2017 at 10:08 ----------


    Some of you will remember the fight scene in the film The Quiet Man between John Wayne and Victor Maclaglen ( sic ) Hitting each other like they did would have resulted in a fatality or may be 2 fatalities !!


    LOVE :love: The Quiet Man..


    When i was younger i wanted to be Maureen O'Hara..

  7. Hi Chelle-82. I've always heard terrible things about Talk Talk but if it works then that's a fantastic deal! Whereabouts in lower Walkey is your friend? Sounds promising if she gets a good service!




    Sorry for the late reply! i havent been on in a while..


    She lives just up from Rivlin Valley road, just off linekar road..


    And just to add! - i got rid of sky about 7 or 8 months ago and switched to talk talk and i can honestly say i havent had any issues at all, my broadband hasnt gone down once..

  8. I think £35 for a settee and chair delivery isnt bad at all! when you take into account the size of it, two men, fuel and insurance etc..


    But like someone else said, it depends on how much you value your own time.. i'd much rather spend £35 paying for someone else to deliver so i can crack on with other things - like binge watching Game of Thrones!!!!! :D

  9. ........It's 30/40 years ago since Stannington Brightside and Carbook Co-oP did home deliveries round these parts,wouldn't think they will start up again!...........is anyone else sick of having to scoop the awful white bilge off the bacon while frying these days? thought we had cured the water pumping bandits of this scam to make the weight heavier.Sainsburys are just as guilty along with other Supermarkets.

    Can someone tell me where to by real honest bacon if it exists anymore locally!


    If you're talking supermarket then Aldi do great bacon.. Failing that visit one of the many great butchers we have in Sheffield.. Bacon is usually best when bought from the butchers as it's not pumped full of water..


    ---------- Post added 04-08-2017 at 12:29 ----------


    Actually Tesco bought the site, then for some reason sold it on.


    ---------- Post added 04-08-2017 at 08:37 ----------



    Beeches at Walkley.


    Locals petitioned apparently, they didnt want a tesco..

  10. To Chelle:


    Men who shave their chest hair?

    What madness is this? Why the ingrates! Ingrates I tell you madam!

    Don't they know that there are starving baldies all over England, who would be only too grateful for the hairy sprouts they so callously disregard. Puh, let these offenders against manly pride have Turkish masseurs apply the exlax to their womanly breasts and the depilatory cream to their noses. See how much they like that! Exit stage left... fustian spluttering.. humbug....write to my MP...


    Hahaha :hihi::D

  11. Rangers FC's Club 1872 supporters group have set up a crowdfunding page to raise money to try and 'right the wrong'...






    Raised over £2000 so far...




    That's absolutely brilliant! :thumbsup:


    Well done to the true Rangers fans..

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