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Posts posted by Gleadly

  1. Lets all go on strike and get big pay rises.
    Then complain that everything now gets more expensive and demand another payrise.

    Then public expenditure  increases  and yet another payrise is demanded,

    We've had 2 years of Covid plus a year of Putin.

    Lets all go to Ukraine and  free them from you know who.

    Then prices will will go down but still yet another demand for payrise.


    A vicious circle.

    • Like 1
  2. 17 hours ago, gingers said:


    I would be interested in joining the litter pickers, preferring to work in a group than alone.

    S8 but can travel .  What kind of equipment do I need and how can I find a group of people to work with please?


    Hi Ginger

    You are welcome to join the Sheffield Litter Pickers facebook group and we have about 3500 members.
    We have many small groups which cover most, if not all, areas within Sheffield.
    The only things you need, apart from enthusiam, is gloves , bags and pickers.
    Gloves are probably the most important.
    We may be able to give you some bags but they're easy to get.
    We might be able to loan you  a picker.
    You can see where we do picks by looking at the Events page.

    Hope to see you soon.

    Sheffield Litter Pickers

  3. If you want to help, we have a team of over 3000 volunteers that help keep our streets, footpaths, parks and many other places clean.
    We have Events, each in thir own location,  and you can PLOG for as long as  you want.
    Some can only spare one hour, others can spend as long as they wish.
    Between us we can help keep Sheffield clean and tidy.

    Do come and join us!

    Sheffield Litter Pickers 

  4. On 20/03/2021 at 21:48, Colin Foster said:

    I was doing some jobs there a few months back and actually witnessed someone in two different houses emptying a bin out of an upstairs window onto the pavement. Couldn't believe what I was seeing!

    Not unusual in parts of Turkey.

  5. Unfortunately we are unlikely to solve the litter problem in Sheffield in the near future.

    If do want to help, we have a team of over 3000 volunteers that help keep our streets, footpaths, parks and many other places clean.
    We have Events, each in thir own location,  and you can PLOG for as long as you want.
    Some can only spare one hour, others can spend as long as they wish

    Sheffield Litter Pickers 

  6. This may not be of much help  however, if you have a GPS watch then you can monitor your activity provided you do the course.
    This can be recorded on the Strava app.
    Alternatively, you can use MapMyFitness provided you have GPS on your phone. 
    Not much help if you need to pre-plan your walk.

    Google maps is quite good but I believe you are limited to 10 positíons unless you upgrade.
    It's also not much good if any of the route, such as footpaths, are not known to Google.

    This is a bus map route I prepared for a location in Turkey.
    Both the lines and locations can be customised.
    I combined both route ( 1st and 2nd half) to get the complete route.



  7. If one is walking from Blackstock Road, by the recycling plant,  towards Graves Park, there is an area fenced off.
    Does anyone know why this is fenced off?

    I have a photo of the area and it's about a 5 min walk before Newfield School.

    Í'll try and add the image later once I've fathomed it out.
    Anyone familiar with the area may know what I mean.
    The GPS location, if you're familar with Google Maps, is https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/53%C2%B020'57.2%22N+1%C2%B027'29.4%22W

  8. He's not parking in front of the steps.
    I am parking about 1 or 2 feet in front of his property so I can leave the steps clear,
    I'm not preventing him parking but he's angry that I'm parking (very slightly) in front of his property.
     I have even told him it's public highway so there's no parking bays nor parking restrictions.

    Who gave him the ticket?
    Was it the Police or SCC?

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