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  1. iam sorry but i think your wrong, my husband has worker since he was 16 and paid his pension all his life our children have had child care so i could work and we have never had hand outs as you call it, but just remember when you get to the age when you need your pension and its at an all time low, how are you going to support your self without hand outs from goverment as you may think you entitled to say £300 per mth on you pension but the cost of living is going to rise and your £300 per mth wont go no where, my husband along with the rest of the public sector are trying to get a fair deal for all
  2. hi iam sorry but unless your in the possition that your gonna lose out people shouldnt comment on what they dont no, my husband will b joining hopfully millions across the counrty to save his pension at the rate he has been paying it, the goverment go on about saving billions, they need to look closer to home and cut their spending on things that the pubic dont see the private jets the hotels the tax payer has to pay for so while they live the high life at tax payers expence the tax payer lives in squalor and try to pinch pennys to pay for meals the goverment need to get out and let standard every day people do the job let them clean litter up or put fires out and see what lifes really about moan over thanks :huh: pssss do we really need 300+ mps and all their jobs worth people to lick the mps envelopes or order films on behalf of the mp, they arnt royals get a grip you money grabbing **********
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