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DEB 1961

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Everything posted by DEB 1961

  1. Hi Gary. Sorry to hear about your mum. My mum died 2 years ago last April. Our Steve just got married again at Gretna Green (He didnt tell anyone he was doing it) and Viv is living in Somerset with her husband and daughter. I was looking at some old photos the other day of our Steves wedding. God do we all look so young.ha ha!
  2. Babysenior, this must be Tracey, hi this is Deb Cannon (yes still a Cannon) I can remember the day the garage slab fell on you, our Steve was horrified. Its good to hear your mum is ok. As it nearly Bonfire night I can rememer the Bonfire party we used to have on your back garden with your mum in the kitchen making toffee and goodies for all us kids. Living on the cross was good good at that time. All the neighbours were your auntie and the back doors were always open, unlike today where all doors are securely locked. them were the days !
  3. I know an excellent builder who specialises in loft conversions. I can give you his number if you want to contact him.
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