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Posts posted by RozeePozee

  1. Yes, and everywhere else! For any reason I can think of.


    Examples: if something has a fault as per the post above, if they offer a discount to a group of people, e.g. students, and I don't qualify, I ask for the same discount (good in restaurants, hairdressers etc), if I'm buying more than one of something, if it's the last of their stock, if I'm buying something out of season.


    Basically the price of something is what you'll pay for it. I view a price tag as on opening gambit ;)


    Bought a new van last year and got 10% off the list price by emailing round about 10 dealers and then playing one off against the other. Do the same with holidays... I could go on....

  2. My feelings exactly. The simple answer is that we should boycott the ones who charge and go to the ones that don't. And before anyone says I'm a complete hypocrite by going to Bowshaw, yes, I know I am.


    Oh, and thanks to Jenhoppy for putting me right on the charges.

    I can see that charges will put some off, but probably not comitted booters. I always tried to avoid the ones that charged for parking before charges were introduced more widely. I dont think I object to it per se though. It's more a case that I hardly spend any money at a car boot so a charge is probably 20% of my total spend. Crazy really, as I think nowt to spending £3 on a coffee! The psychology of money is a curious thing.


    Can you remind me which ones charge please and I'll try to include this info in the first post so people can make their own minds up on it? I don't mind paying if it's for a charitable event and I'll go to Meadowhead this week as it's local so I'll save on petrol!

  3. Is there a 'boot on Monday at Norton Country Club or anywhere else in Sheffield for that matter? Sorry if it's been mentioned, not got time to trawl through the pages as it's for someone else and I am in a rush to go out x
    For future reference, the first post usually has all the car boots and I try to keep it updated as much as possible (3 small children permitting!)


    We sold at twin oaks on Saturday and although we made quite a bit - it was tainted by a few early buyers that stole a box from the back of our car and another that stole an single item of the table, both items together would have sold for about £8 so it wasn't too bad but how desperate do people have to be to steal at a Carboot !!!! :rant:
    It's shocking that people steal at all but I reckon it's more likely at a car boot - if you have to go to a car boot, likelihood is you don't have pots of cash and a small minority of people are probably very skint and desperate...

    My mum used to work the markets and you have to have eyes in the back of your head. There's always gonna be that tiny minority sadly.

  4. Hope isn't charging yet!


    Pretty busy there though nothing of interest there for me - I spent 20p! Last of the big spenders, I am.


    I talked to the stewards at the Motorpoint arena today and they confirmed that there definitely will be a car boot sale there on the 24th April, so could this be altered in the first post please?


    There is a list of all the dates here:-



    Amended and first post updated again.


    There's a few bits of info missing. Does anyone have any info on Grenoside this year?

  5. I had ivf privately through Jessops & thought they were fantastic. My first round of treatment was unsuccessful as the pregnancy was ectopic & the staff were very supportive. When I got pregnant again during my second round of treatment, they were great again, offering weekly reassurance scans in early pregnancy when I experienced some problems.


    The twins (!) are almost one now & I was 41 when I gave birth to them so you can be successful in your late 30s or early 40s although it's correct that the odds aren't wonderful.

  6. Hi Samantha


    The trouble is that people go to a boot sale with their minds set on bargains, so unless you are happy to sell your cards at 5 for £1 or something similar, no one will buy them. The same people who would happily pay reasonable prices elsewhere will decide things are too expensive at a boot sale because the expectation is for things to be very cheap. You would probably be better at a craft sale as people expect the prices to be a bit higher there.


    This is only my own opinion and others may feel differently.

    I agree with henny, although we are clearly only one sort of car booter. If something is more than 50p I balk at parting with my cash, even though in the real world, I happily shell out nearly £3 for a coffee! It's not logical :)


    There's a regular farmers Market at nether edge. Bet you'd do well there.

  7. Does anyone know any more details about the Barlborough car boot on Saturday morning? Was all geared up for Marsh Lane before realising it didn't start yet.


    Start times? Pitch prices? Need to book before hand? Is it any good?

    Someone posted earlier that Twin Oaks is already going. Although I texted the number and was told 2nd April, so who knows? Tesco is on Sunday. It's often sold out pitch wise but you may be lucky this early in season. See first post for contacts.

  8. None alcohol related feedback: we have young children & before they arrived used to eat at a curry house once a week. Now they're here, bedtime is at 7 so we eat tea with them early, preferably before 5pm, but there are hardly any curry houses that serve this early.


    I don't know if there's a market for early food. Surely we can't be the only people who like/need to eat early?

  9. I've been fairly strict about giving juice & sugary snacks. I dont view it as denying my kids treats, I view it as not giving my children something that's bad for them. You wouldn't give them alcohol, so why do you have a difficulty denying them sweets etc. My one year olds only have water to drink, never have sweets & rarely have sugary food, my son aged 4 has sweet things maybe once a week or less. Despite this, he still has tooth decay and the dentist says this is because of the fruit he eats - we do eat loads, thinking it was a good thing. On balance we've continued to give him fruit & just tried to pay more attention to his teeth cleaning. As a PP said, at least these are only milk teeth. Try & keep up your changes so they're well established before her adult teeth arrive.

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