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Everything posted by wwood

  1. nice to know you are sill with us all the best not head from dougiep for long time.
  2. hi doug my knee ok but ive been told it will be 12 month before it is back to normal.hope you are all ok bill
  3. hi doug nice to are ok and your family .i had replacement knee at the end of sept 1917.had my 88 th 21 januarj bill
  4. merry christmas and happy new to you all bill
  5. hi ian i have one or two photos you can have if let me have your email bill
  6. hi petcharlie do not know you.but happy new year to you bill brooks.rad shop
  7. merry christmas and happy new year to you all bill ---------- Post added 20-12-2016 at 19:45 ---------- hi doug hope you are well .happy xmas and new year. bill
  8. i have 1or 2 photos if you would like them.sent me your email bill
  9. hi danny i do not know you it was alan cooke who was foreman upstairs .i work in rad shop .for 50 years
  10. i worked in the radiator shop and we worked on the radiator. but have no photos bill
  11. hi doug good to hear that you are in go shape and eating well .look out the outing bill
  12. hi doug hope you are ok thing are very quiet
  13. happy new year to you all and a lot of them bill
  14. hi dou g it was nice to talk to you on monday brought back a lot of memories all the for xmas bill
  15. alan maynard .i remember him i do not know what happened to him after he left so can not help you .bill
  16. hi doug look forward to reunion bill
  17. hi doug did you find who gracie bill ---------- Post added 17-07-2015 at 08:40 ---------- hi doug i have a photo of barry davit i can sent you bill
  18. glad that ernest is still with us .i still use something he made for me a guard for the boiler exhaust .bill brooks
  19. hi i have not seen him since he left work .do you know bill bennett he work up stairs he broke his leg playing foot ball. bill
  20. i two more names for you. peter griffin i thing he work in yard with is dad joe.and dave sheldon he work in stores i more names dave.mann.stores .dave.birtls.stores.jim.chapman.rads.jack.hene.foreman.paint shope.tony wyatt.rads
  21. hi doughiep wwood=bill brooks i worked in sheffield rad shop for fifty i am now 85 i remember all who worked there.i have photos of the football team if you would like one
  22. i was born in weston 1930 lived thier 1951 i new liily her grandson was one of my mates i have tow photos in the square if you would lkike them bill
  23. iworked at walter foxes in the rad shop.i know all the names you mentioned i have photos of the football team and the rad shop.i worked there from 1951 to 1998.p.m.me.bill.
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