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  1. I'm not sure if this link has already been posted but if not would anyone care to sign it? http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/52437
  2. Thanks again everyone. Cyclone - when you say is was your neice's parents' fault that she was scared of dogs do you mind me asking how. I'm curious as this is something the woman accused me off. ---------- Post added 08-08-2013 at 22:49 ---------- Medusa - thanks but I can't see it happening any time soon. I think it's going to be hard to get my son near any dogs unfortunately. My neighbours have a lovely dog. My oldest and myself were stroking it a few weeks ago but I couldn't get my youngest to come over to it. It's an old dog and just stood there while we stroked it. It was so calm. ---------- Post added 08-08-2013 at 22:51 ---------- My youngest is 8 btw.
  3. Thanks everyone. I didn't see what I could have done differently but wondered if I shouldn't have shouted at the dog but to be honest I'm fed up of people who think it's OK for their dogs to go up to my son and then think saying that it's OK the dog won't hurt him while he's stood there obviously frightened makes it OK. If anyone has any ideas how to help him overcome his fear of dogs it would be much appreciated. My oldest would love a dog and I did think maybe if we got a very small cuddly puppy my son might overcome his fear. But seems mean to bring something into the house that scares him.
  4. I thought I'd ask on here about an encounter I had with a dog owner in a park yesterday. I took my 2 sons to the park but when we got there there was a woman with a child using the playarea. She had 2 dogs with her who were running all over the play area. My youngest son is scared of dogs so we stayed a distance away kicking a ball to each other. The woman then started to leave. As she walked away in the opposite direction to us one of her dogs took off across the field straight towards my youngest. He ran away, I moved in front of him and shouted 'no' at the dog in my barbara woodhouse voice while sort of shoo ing it away with my hands. The woman came racing over and started shouting and swearing at me that it wouldn't hurt anyone, I was upsetting it by shouting. I shouted back that it was upsetting my son and to get control of it. According to her the dog wouldn't hurt anyone so my son shouldn't be scared and that if he was scared I'd made him scared. I pointed out that my older son isn't scared of dogs so how exactly had I made one scared and not the other. She just swore at me more. I asked her a few times to watch her language as there were children here (mine and the girl with her) but that just made her worse by telling me to eff off and pee off. Eventually she went after telling me I was a fat cow as few times. At one point she was right in my face and for a second thought she was going to punch me. I should mention that the dog looked young but was about the same size as a small dog. Not that we could tell this as it belted across the field towards us. We left then as my children were a bit tearful after all this. What I thought was sad though was that the girl that was with the woman didn't seem at all bothered about the argument. So, was I in the wrong? Or could I have handled this differently? It wasn't possible to talk with her because as soon as she came over she started shouting so I had to shout to be heard.
  5. Thanks everyone. Will start hunting!
  6. After years of being a full time parent I'm looking for paid work but don'[t know where to start. So was hoping someone could answer some questions for me/give any advice. So: Can I use the job centre even though I'm not claiming any unemployment benefits? Does anyone know of any websites for job searching. Thanks
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