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Everything posted by JulesT

  1. Sheffield Astro have set up a petition to save Mayfield. There are already 182 signatures! https://sheffield.moderngov.co.uk/mgEPetitionDisplay.aspx?id=108
  2. It would be such a shame if this closed. It's a brilliant centre, and Sheffield Astronomical Society are fantastic. Surely there must be a way to keep it open.
  3. And here is the quote from the people in the know: "ODS and Bella are definitely Sunday and Saturday, full programme should be up on the website v soon"
  4. The website address for information is: http://www.edalefolkfestival.co.uk (Sorry, couldn't post it before because I hadn't posted enough to include a link).
  5. I'm trying to find out from the organisers if they have dates and times yet (I'm a helper, rather than an organiser).
  6. I assume you mean where in Edale, rather than where is Edale? Most of the events will take place in or around a marquee on the field next to the main car park in Edale. There will however be some smaller events in the local pubs and cafes.
  7. Just found this group! Are meetings still happening? If so when is the next one?
  8. There is a new Folk Festival starting this year in Edale (in the Peak District National Park), running from Friday 18th to Sunday 20th May. Acts include: The Destroyers Bella Hardy Trio Kris Drever & Eamonn Coyne The Old Dance School Joe Broughton's Conservatoire Folk Ensemble Katriona Gilmore & Jamie Roberts Jack McNeill & Charlie Heys David Gibb & Elly Lucas The Top Shelalas Plus lots more There will also be a ceilidh, art & craft workshops and writing workshops. There will also be readings from local writers such as former Derbyshire Poet Laureate River Wolton, Kathy Towers (winner of the 2011 Seamus Heaney Poetry prize), and Mark Wallington who will be reading from his new book about his ukelele tour of Britain's 'open mic' events.
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