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About markhealer

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  1. This is a thread for people to discuss the theory and practice of setting up a small community of like minded individual's who wish to stop paying their mortgages, taxes, etc and live off the land in a self sufficient way in the country. In order to do this realistically the community will need to have at least 10 plus families or individuals who are in a position to sell up, quit their jobs and put their intelligence and resources into serious discussion. To consider practical planning and investigation of appropriate land and natural resources. The day to day practical skills and knowledge required to build shelter, grow food and generate energy from natural sources. A big task indeed, but I strongly believe this is what I need to do but without the we it is just a pipe dream. I have a small family and both myself and my partner work to make ends meet, we've had enough!
  2. I would be interested in joining in, I have a variety of drums and would love to have the opportunity to join others in a suitable environment producing rhythms together. Let me know how it progresses, I know a few people in Chesterfield who may be interested.
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