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  1. I'd like to say rest in peace. But I can't. The dodgy git popped his clogs before it all caught up with him.
  2. Misquoted? Perhaps you should lunch with someone else after watching this: Patnick on TV Sign here to strip him of his dodgy knighthood: http://councillors.liverpool.gov.uk/...5&HPID=4426015
  3. He was a powerful tory figure with Thatcher's ear, running around press agencies and giving TV interviews spreading slanderous misinformation. That made him part of the conspiracy- one of the most active players even. I would be very surprised if his busy campaign to shift blame from the SYP didn't serve as a major contributing factor to the many knockbacks faced by the bereaved over 23 years. PS. Is "I'm only repeating what people who needed to cover their own arse told me..." a reasonable defence when making serious allegations about disaster victims on TV and in national (and local) rags?
  4. Here's a video of him pushing the police lies: http://de.wn.com/irvine_patnick Here's the petition to strip him of his knighthood: http://councillors.liverpool.gov.uk/mgEPetitionDisplay.aspx?ID=17&RPID=4426015&HPID=4426015
  5. Chap on RAWK wrote this letter to old Patnick in 2004 - no reply as yet...
  6. http://www.redandwhitekop.com/forum/index.php?topic=34536.0
  7. If what you say is true here's an opportunity for irvine patnick's name to be cleared- sign the petition and find out exactly what he did say: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/19350 Petition to force the Sun newspaper to release its Hillsborough "The Truth" sources and documents Responsible department: Department for Culture, Media and Sport Full disclosure by the Sun Newspaper to the Hillsborough independant panel of all it's records, including sources and documents relating to the 'The Truth' story published on 19/04/1989
  8. Perhaps Mr Patnick might grace us with his presence and explain why he chipped in with such hideous lies? Was he by any chance in the police chief's pocket?
  9. Sadly, politicians like Patnick, however corruptable, are rarely called to account.
  10. Aye mate, strange that! Wiki: Patnick was one of the sources for The Sun newspaper's notorious coverage of the Hillsborough disaster. Sun editor Kelvin Mackenzie later said of his coverage "It was a fundamental mistake. The mistake was I believed what an MP said."[2] Patnick is on the Right-wing of the Conservative Party. He was against sanctions on apartheid South Africa, voted to reintroduce the death penalty, strongly supported Section 28 and, in a similar vein, opposed reducing the age of consent for homosexuals. Sounds like a lovely chap...
  11. Well it's pretty much all in those links. Old Irvine Patnick and a high-ranked police officer were the sources behind the article. Picture here: 4.bp.blogspot.com/_Qm2i8mXTjhs/S7XOTrSmqrI/AAAAAAAAChw/ILbuSmCxSzU/s1600/Hillsborough_disaster_Sun.jpg The whole disaster was caught on cctv but the police said the camera was broken. This proved to be untrue in a subsequent enquiry but when asked to produce the tape the police then said it had been 'stolen'.
  12. There's a lot of people who wouldn't mind having a chat with Irvine Patnick about his infamous contribution to the despicable pack of lies article in 'the sun' following the Hillsborough disaster. Utter filth. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irvine_Patnick guardian.co.uk/media/2004/jul/07/pressandpublishing.football1
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