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Everything posted by mazahy

  1. As title said I lost my keys in town today they have a keyring with children's pics on. please pm me if found. Thank you
  2. As it says in title. I have been on allotment list for a few years now but still a long way to go. I have not had an allotment before but I would like to learn and my children realy want to too. So if anyone is wanting to share their allotment in S11 area please pm me
  3. Well put. The whole point is that to a lot of people meat is meat they dont realy mind if its halal or not. So if they wanted to order a meal that has halal meat in it(not because its halal just because of the meal option) they should be allowed to do so.
  4. Halal meals cost more to the council because for some reason they use mostly lamb which is more expensive then other meat. I am sure the muslim community didnt ask for that
  5. No they are not fed non halal meat. but non muslim children are not allowed to have a meal they want if that meal is halal, because they are non muslim.
  6. Please read the petition and sign if you agree https://sheffield.moderngov.co.uk/mgEPetitionDisplay.aspx?ID=69&RPID=137363&HPID=137363 Main point we are trying to make is a child should not be denied a choice from school menu just because the meat used is halal, and they are non muslims. The option is there and we pay for the meal. No one should have to discuss their religion before ordering a meal they are paying for Council policy says only members of the muslim community can have the halal option. Parents should be told what meals are halal and they and the children can choose. How do you explain to a child that they can not have that option?
  7. I agree with u, This Person is obviosly homophobic and needs theropy them selves. And Elton John is a great artest, can not be compared with the girl band mentioned
  8. You can see from this post that i didnt realise i was signed in on someone elses account, really cant see what difference it makes
  9. you are missing the whole point of the post, i was just asking if you thought it was fair for the children to be spoken to like that, when its the parents fault.
  10. I have said i used other account when useing a friends pc, can not think why I would want to make something like this up. Maybe you do things like that your self. If i was used to trying to get peoples backs up, I would not have made the mistake of useing some one elses account.
  11. yes could not think of anything else to do, so picked a school to poost something about, but you saw right through it, well done
  12. Thanks for the concern, I dont work at the school. used an other name because i was useing someone elses PC
  13. I will be doing that, nice to know im not the only one who thinks it was wrong. Do not understand how none of the other teachers said anything
  14. During the bad weather some children took a day or two off school. At hunter's bar juniors during the school assembly children who had not taken a day off were told to stand up, the rest of the children were told they should be ashamed of them selves. I do not think this was fair as the parents decide if a child can go to school or not. Also I dont think its right to talk to children like that. Let me know whet you think cheers
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