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Everything posted by motleyjester

  1. Hi, Looking for a baby girl guinea pig. Will consider any type but would be useful if you have pictures. Thanks
  2. Thanks for the replies so far. We are mainly looking for females if possible but not ruling anything out.
  3. Remakes are the spawn of the devil. Unless the original was crap, in which case if you can polish a turd then so be it.
  4. The Dark Knight is far better than the best that the Spider Man series came up with (which would be the second movie in my opinion). Spidey just never really seemed to have a big enough threat to face, and i hated the redesigned green goblin. The 2 iron man movies are decent though. Just to throw something else into the mix.
  5. Titanic, The Full Monty, any of the Harry Potters
  6. Not tried MUBI because it takes too much space up on the hard drive (I'm a big fan of rock band so space is precious). Lovefilm is ok when you can get it to work. I also recently started watching youtube through the browser which is nice for anyone that likes retro tv, or you can watch the odd movie or two there.
  7. Might be looking to add to our little brood soon and can't seem to find any guinea pig breeders in the area. Would be nice to get one with a crest or a quiff but most i've seen are just general guineas. Can anyone help with some info?
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