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Hagg House meeting 10th

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I thought the meeting was really good and it was great that so many people turned up. Our neighbours in 52 (Simon and Clare) missed it but I filled them in on what was discussed and they seemed keen on forming an association too. What a positive bunch everyone was.

And we had a good day on our plots 46 and 51. Cleared some more trees, finished trimming the hedge and dug out some roots of our 2nd bed.

On a fundraising note, how about an allotment barbecue in May. We could all put in £5 and bring food and possibly some wine etc. It could help pay for the extra skips and it would be nice to get to know everyone a bit more.

Also it was suggested that we could leave the scrap metal at the end of the lanes and call a scrap metal merchant to collect it. Has anyone got a number? We have quite a lot of metal that could be recycled but it is very rusty, would that matter? I would like to make sure they could pick it up beforehand as I wouldn't want to encourage flytippers.


Hello Tchad, good to meet you again with your baby!



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Hi everyone,

Yep - was a good meeting and a good start for an association. Thanks to Rob and others who made it happen.

As 'actioned' at the meeting I'm going to look into recycling issues. I plan to speak to the Council and find out if there are any private companies who could help. I'm sure there is a lot of information out there. If anybody has any suggestions please do private message me and I'll look into it.

I'll also be looking into objects (constitution) for an assocation and will present options before the meeting for scrutiny. I plan to do this by preparing a few versions a consitution (to have different roles) with plotholders (your) ideas. At the meeting further discussion can take place and voting on the various options can happen. Again, any ideas by PM (or here) please. Thanks, Ed.

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Yes, thanks to everyone who turned out, relief to know it wasn't just me moaning to the council :hihi:


Thanks to those who helped with various things both yesterday and prior to the meeting, and those volunteered to follow up on stuff. Hopefully the allotment office will write to everyone again for us about the next meeting, but if not I have contact details for quite a few people now after yesterday and I will make sure I contact you all and we'll have to try and pass on info to allotment neighbours who weren't there.


Really useful and positive meeting, good to meet so many people, thanks again everyone,


Rob [this would be the wife's account then :blush: ]

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Nice to meet everyone at the weekend :)

I typed up the notes I made and have passed them to Rob and Paul to check over and arrange distribution. I think three people arranged to look into recycling issues (glass, scrap metal and something else I can't remember!) but we were all to contact the allotment and leisure gardeners fed to arrange for collection of asbestos if we had any on site (they're due to come this week or next I think). Pat's number is listed on the forum somewhere and should be fairly easy to track down


An allotment BBQ sounds ace - make a break from all the digging out lumps of sandstone and fighting with brambles!



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Congratulations on the first, of hopefully many meetings, I am really glad you had a good turn out. Sorry I was not there but I take one day off a year and the 10th of March was it! (was my birthday so a pretty good excuse!)

If there is anything the FED can do to help you know how to contact us. Hope to see you at a FED meeting in the future

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just signed a tenancy agreement for plot 163 on Hagg House, Am doing a bit of reading through the forums, and quite glad to see the formation of an association. One of the posts in this thread mentions a possible meeting in May (I missed the 10th March one by a couple of weeks) - has this been organiesed yet? I'd like to get involved.


I've just added this group to my favourites.


163 is at the carpark end of the third row in from Bole Hill Lane. It's woodland after that - very peaceful. The previous tenant obviously put a lot of work into terracing it - the Ivy has since done a wonderful job of covering up all his/her hard work, but it's in a lot better condition than some of the swampland over that end of the allotments.


When I went looking round Hagg House last saturday (in the halestones) to choose an allotment it was extremely muddy. In my naiivity I had thought those lines on the map in-between the allotment were paths :-p. It was impossible to tell in many cases where the boundaries of the unallocated allotments lay. It was extremely helpful where some people had displayed plot numbers on their boundaries, and it may be a good idea to do this in a rudimentary way on the vacant allotments - it would be very helpful for those looking round to choose their allotments.


I'm really looking forward to starting work on my allotment, but it will have to wait until next payday for me to afford tools.

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Welcome to the wilderness Boot_WB!


Yes we are going to be forming an association and I've just had confirmation that we have a venue. It will be at Walkley Community Centre on Fir St at 11am on Sat 14 April.


The allotment office have said they will send out another letter for us to all plot holders so you should receive one some time this week hopefully. I'll post more details on here soon as well,



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Hi Boot_WB,


You've really gone into the woodland haven't you. No doubt the plots between you and the rest of us will be taken soon though. I look forward to meeting you at the next Hagg House meeting.




Thanks for again sorting out the next meeting, I'll let you know when the letter arrives.



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Hi Paul,


I looked round them all on one wintry afternoon - lots were incredibly boggy, some were just insanely overgrown, and some were indistiguishable form one plot to the next (I think I saw a badger's sett on one as I "garden hopped" across two vacant plots at the east end of the plots.

The one I chose has a good structure form the ahrd work of the previous tenant. It's obviously gone to seed for a few years, but the main work will be digging out the terraced beds and ripping out the ivy.


At least there were no rivers running through it - unlike many ofthe plots on that cold wet afternoon.


Am looking forward to the meeting - could someone post details up here, as I don't think I'm on the mailing list yet - only just sent my tenancy agreement back.

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