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Bass Player Wanted!


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Hi, we’re a Sheffield band looking for a bass player.


Things have been going really well lately and the next step for us really is just getting gigs out of town now, unfortunately the bass player can't quite manage it. Ideally looking to jam/write/rehearse about once a week, more or less, and gig gig gig, hopefully all over the place and then do some big shef shows every now and then.


Any style welcome, we love all sorts of bands, huge range of influences although the music we actually make ends up towards bluesy, rock n roll, indie alternative type of stuff. Happy to explore other styles though!


We’ve got our current set on soundcloud (I can PM it) but we’re obviously looking to move on and make new stuff with a new bass player.


Similar age to us of 22 would be good, plus or minus a few years, even if not, get in touch anyway!



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