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Richard III, the White Queen – got you interested?

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Have you been enjoying the coverage of Richard III’s reburial and found you’d like to know more about the period? Did the book or TV adaptation of The White Queen grab you and make you wish you could get involved?


Knights In Battle Medieval Society re-enact the Wars of the Roses – along with the era of King John – and are always looking for new members. You don’t need to know much about the period to join – most of us join because something we see looks interesting or fun and then learn about the history along the way.


We do battle re-enactments – join now and you can be on the field for the next re-enactment of the Battle of Bosworth. As well as the Battle of Tewkesbury (1471) and the Capture of Berwick (1482) - but probably not in time for the Battle of Towton (1461) this Sunday. Being in the middle of it all is by far the best way to experience a battle re-enactment.


We do local shows too – foot tournaments set during King John’s rule, with vicious-looking (but reasonably safe) individual combats.


Medieval cookery is also a speciality, and we love people who can develop craft skills for the audience.


It can also lead to other opportunities – two of our members were amongst the well-dressed medieval dignitaries you saw on TV as part of the Richard III reburial event at Bosworth Battlefield, and I was filming last week for a new celebrity-reality show (can’t tell you what yet because of non-disclosure agreements) where I put leeches on a male celebrity’s thigh!


So take a look at our website www.knightsinbattle.com, or come along to our practice at St Augustine’s Church, Brocco Bank, any Wednesday evening from 7.30 – 9.30 and say hello.


---------- Post added 31-03-2015 at 12:04 ----------


Any Wednesday, that is, except this Wednesday. This week, being Holy Week, the Church are having services every night so we can't use the hall. see you next week,

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