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Benefit sanctions evidence

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They wouldn't claim Contribution-based JSA. That would be Income-based, or means tested.


If these people are young and want to work, and just haven't had the opportunity then there is no shame on them. I signed on briefly when I was 19, for about 4 months. It wasn't fun but I managed to find some work for 6 months. When that ended I signed on for a month before I went back into education. Life on the dole taught me value of working hard.


For some people - long term malingerer-unemployed, for they do exist, they will never have worked. How to get these people into work - carrot or stick? That is the question. However benefit sanctions catch all people, not just this group of people. The benefits system should not exist to punish people, and DWP should not set out with the aim of searching for people to punish for the most minor indescretions.

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