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Drummer Wanted For Riff heavy Rock band


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We're looking for an experienced drummer who can knock seven bells of excriment out of their kit and have a fun time in the process.


We are based in Sheffield and are early thirties and have influences from QOTSA, Nirvana, Soundgarden, Smashing Pumpkins, Red Fang, Foos, Muse, Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, RHCP, Staduim Rock, the Theme from Transformers and lots more.


I used to front Exit Strategy One and play guitar in The Venkman Heist. My friend Johnny plays bass and he used to front Hooker Bentley.


Let me know if you are interested. We started jamming out ideas and have a couple of recordings etc. We're in our early 30's.


Pm me reply to this or email flipmode_deluxe@hotmail.com




PS This is my old band to give you an idea.....





Edited by poptart
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