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lost black and white female cat s13 NOW HOME


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Location lost/found: S13


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please help me find her she is 1 year a young queen and very friendly no collar last neen on kilvington road 2 days ago shes never stayed away more that a few hours before


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I'm sure it was this cat that was on my garden for most of friday afternoon. She was there from approx 2pm. I gave her a stroke as she was laid down mewing. I too live on kilvington road, at the top end. I told her to go home (not that she'd understand), cause i have a dog which i couldn't let out while this cat was there. She is very affectionate as you said but looked a bit younger than a year old. Unfortunately when i took my dog out around 8pm the cat was nowhere in sight and i.ve not seen her since. She's a beautiful cat and I'm sorry i didn't do more (although i didn't know she was lost). Because she is very affectionate there is every chance someone has taken her in. I,ll keep my eyes and ears open, good luck in finding her.

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