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What has happened at norwood today

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yes, he is a poorly man now and again. 99.99% of the time he is a wonderful guy and interesting to talk to and we all like having him among us.


the cowboys with their sub machine guns would not let me go across and talk to him.


the reason i videoed a good part of it was that i was worried that a neighbourhood friend was about to be murdered by our trigger happy cops who may then only get charged with failing to protect his health and safety.


jean charles de menezes ring any bells????


i know the police have to get the toys out for a practice session now and again, but those of us who know the guy involved realise the police went totally over the top in their handling of this situation and i am sure this will have exascerbated his predicament and made matters worse.

i think the police have created a lot of bad feeling over this and i feel there are good grounds for an enquiry at the highest level.


i dont hold out much hope. i am aware of 96 people who are still waiting for justice.


totally agree with you here. You are the people who know him best. Even when his mind was unhealthy he would have been more likely to trust and talk you than a swarm of armed police!!! I think the police acted totally irresponsibily and probably scared this poor man half to death. At least now he will get the help he needs its just a huge shame that it came to this.

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The police get blamed no matter what the issue or outcome, people always have the need to place blame, obviously they had a report to follow up and took it seriously, you have to remember the police don’t know this man or his history, so they do what they're trained to do, defuse the situation safely for everyone, protect the victim, the perpetrator, the general public and lastly themselves, questions are asked once someone is in custody so they can decide what measures to take, half the time the police get blamed for sitting back and doing nothing the other half they are blamed for over reacting, it's swing's & round about’s! They can’t win & never will.

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