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Sheffield Lib-Dems talk me out of voting for them - again

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Green sacks are no longer provided. They will only collect rubbish which is in their own green sacks. Scheduled collections have ceased, apparently to be replaced by... scheduled collections, but it hasn't been announced when this will begin (ie. resume).


I thought that we were going to be given hessian sacks?

I thought this would be better as they are re usable.

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but that is about people being able to make a choice about what they want.So for instance, if you are an avid reader of newspapers, your small blue bin will get full very quickly and if you dont drink much, your big blue bin will not get full at all so as I understand it , you are able to choose which you want to use.


I will choose to put newspapers in the big one as I have a few and have a lot of paper to dispose of and hardly put my big blue bin out, maybe only once a month.I think it is good that we have a choice.


Yes, but you don't have a choice yet, do you? Unless you've got the much-promised leaflet through, telling you when you can switch your bins around if you want to. They haven't come to my house yet.


That's the point I was trying to make - the Lib Dems promised in February that, from April 1 this year, people would be able to choose which bin they used for which type of recycling. Great.

Only problem was, they failed to agree a price for the new service with Veolia first.


It's now May 3 and the new "choice" recycling system still isn't in action, while the Lib Dems look set to lose control of the town hall in two days' time.

It certainly seems to me that they made their promise to give people the choice as a vote-winner, without costing it out first.


Then the April 1 implementation date was quietly abandoned and they're sitting on it until after May 5, when it won't be their problem any more. I could well be wrong and other areas of Sheffield may already have the leaflets telling them when they can switch their bins around, but nobody I know has had one yet...

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I know someone who's a union steward at the council. He had a meeting with Scriven to complain about the cuts. Scriven walked in and said that as the meeting wouldn't change anything it wasn't worth holding but if the union wanted it to go ahead he, Scriven, would stay and listen out of courtesy. The steward said he'd like Scriven to stay and listen to the union's grievance anyway. At this Scriven said he couldn't be bothered to stay and listen after all, and walked out instead despite what he'd just said. Alright I wouldn't have voted Lib-Dem anyway but that story's as good as any as a reason why not to vote for them.

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I'd love to vote Lib Dem. I feel like they're the party most closely aligned to my views, and unlike many I don't especially dislike Nick Clegg and am glad that they are in the coalition.


But once again, the tat coming through my door has shown the Sheffield Lib Dems to be cynical, vindictive and manipulative. Pretty much every day there's at least one leaflet from them. Generally they seem to show little or no interest in me, or anyone else, voting for them; they only appeal to (and drum up) people's fear of Labour. Basically, we don't care if you like us or not - if you don't want Labour in, then you have no choice but to give us your vote.


Then one came yesterday which topped them all. The most brazen thing about it was the way all through the leaflet it talked about "the Liberal Democrats" comparing them with "Labour bosses" and "Labour Town Hall bosses" (it didn't use a different phrase at all in reference to Labour). There was clearly no other purpose than to portray Labour (rightly or wrongly) as some bunch of Tammany Hall overlords, and to prey upon people's ignorance in not realising that a) Labour aren't in control of the council, and b) that actually the closest thing to a Town Hall boss in Sheffield is Paul Scriven (Lib Dem).


One of the few positive statements about themselves which they felt it worthwhile to make was that they had secured billions to repair the roads. As has been mentioned countless timeds on SF this is such a spurious claim. I have no love for Labour, and particularly the mess they made of Sheffield roads. But one thing they did finally do was apply for, and win, the PFI for repairing the roads. Paul Scriven then managed to be the one who got his name at the bottom of the contract and has been using it as his, and the Lib Dems, main political capital ever since. Ever since he's done that, the council have done very little (except tarmac rabbits) to improve the situation. For the last couple of years he's been saying the work will begin in 2011, but now it's now scheduled to begin until Spring 2012.


So, as I said, I'd love to vote Lib Dem, but the party around here are little better than liars. So I'm currently deciding whether to "waste" my vote on the Tories, or to vote Labour to ensure that Scriven doesn't get any more power to feed his ego.


Excellent NuLabour trolling post, although I think you overdid the dichotomy between your "love" for the LibDems and how "bad" they are.


Still, a gold star for effort.

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Excellent NuLabour trolling post, although I think you overdid the dichotomy between your "love" for the LibDems and how "bad" they are.


Still, a gold star for effort.


Many of my posts elsewhere make clear that I'm no fan of Labour.


Still, a gold star for effort, and being the first person on the thread to make a misaccusation of trolling.

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on a more personal level, i had a local Labour candidate at my door last week & he manage to talk me out of voting for him. Every time he spoke, he tried to 'know me' and me worries, each time he was wrong. Told me i must be worried about losing Child benifit because of tory changes, my son is almost 19! Told me i must be concerned about his employment chances, he's already got his in date for the RAF!


Then he moved to education - i work in a school! Unfortunately for him i had more information than he did in this area!


bless, the poor guy left swiftly!

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Saw some canvessers on our estate with their big yellow rosettes. Anticipated the knock on the door and was looking forward to a polite exchange of views on the doorstep. Unfortunately they did not knock on the door but merely posted a flyer from the letterbox. The flyer was from local councillor Jackie Priestley (LibDem) The flyer had the headline 'Jackie Priestley called to see you today'. No she didn't. I was stood at the the other side of the door. Can't even get the flyers right. Won't get my vote.

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I'd love to vote Lib Dem. I feel like they're the party most closely aligned to my views, and unlike many I don't especially dislike Nick Clegg and am glad that they are in the coalition.


But once again, the tat coming through my door has shown the Sheffield Lib Dems to be cynical, vindictive and manipulative. Pretty much every day there's at least one leaflet from them. Generally they seem to show little or no interest in me, or anyone else, voting for them; they only appeal to (and drum up) people's fear of Labour. Basically, we don't care if you like us or not - if you don't want Labour in, then you have no choice but to give us your vote.


Then one came yesterday which topped them all. The most brazen thing about it was the way all through the leaflet it talked about "the Liberal Democrats" comparing them with "Labour bosses" and "Labour Town Hall bosses" (it didn't use a different phrase at all in reference to Labour). There was clearly no other purpose than to portray Labour (rightly or wrongly) as some bunch of Tammany Hall overlords, and to prey upon people's ignorance in not realising that a) Labour aren't in control of the council, and b) that actually the closest thing to a Town Hall boss in Sheffield is Paul Scriven (Lib Dem).


One of the few positive statements about themselves which they felt it worthwhile to make was that they had secured billions to repair the roads. As has been mentioned countless timeds on SF this is such a spurious claim. I have no love for Labour, and particularly the mess they made of Sheffield roads. But one thing they did finally do was apply for, and win, the PFI for repairing the roads. Paul Scriven then managed to be the one who got his name at the bottom of the contract and has been using it as his, and the Lib Dems, main political capital ever since. Ever since he's done that, the council have done very little (except tarmac rabbits) to improve the situation. For the last couple of years he's been saying the work will begin in 2011, but now it's now scheduled to begin until Spring 2012.


So, as I said, I'd love to vote Lib Dem, but the party around here are little better than liars. So I'm currently deciding whether to "waste" my vote on the Tories, or to vote Labour to ensure that Scriven doesn't get any more power to feed his ego.


Your post sums up the problem I've had with the lib dems since last year's general election. In Feb-March last year I was toying with, like a lot of disenchanted old labour people, voting lib dem, but then the leaflets started and they were mainly focussed on the negatives of others rather than what they could offer, and by god were they persistent! Once it got to the point of more than one leaflet a day I emailed and asked them to stop, which they didn't.


They seem to be as negative again this year; I had a leaflet the other day stating that only they or Labour could win in Nether Edge, and so a Green vote is a wasted vote. Quite a negative message I thought, especially from a party who presumably still themselves think its worthwhile campaigning in wards where they have been the 3rd party traditionally? In any case I won't be voting for them this year, but I'm sure that the negativity in their campaigning is still putting other potential voters off.

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