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Shorthand Speedbuilding

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I have looked everywhere in my local area (York and outskirts) for shorthand speed building classes, only to be told that shorthand is a dying art and no longer a requirement for office personnel.


Must admit I was shocked, because the need for confidentiality is paramount in some positions, also the ability to take notes effectively is a definite bonus as well.


I used to be able to achieve speeds of 100wpm, but with lack of use, this has dwindled somewhat. However, I am due to start a job which will require shorthand, and I need to get my speed back up. Does anyone know where I could acquire some tapes to increase my speed?

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Hi. What shorthand is it you use? Pitmans or Teeline or something else? I just finished a Teeline course at Castle College and they let us borrow dictation tapes in order to speed build. Unfortunately I just gave them all back as I finished my course, but I'm starting again in a few weeks and could let you have a copy if you wanted. Just pm me if you are interested.


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