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Make Poverty History launch in Sheffield


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30,000 children die needlessly every day just because they're poor. Make Poverty History is a unique worldwide effort in 2005 to end extreme poverty - for good.


The official Sheffield launch of Make Poverty History is taking place on Wednesday 16 February at 7.30pm in Sheffield University Arts Tower Lecture Theatre 9 and everyone is welcome. Please come along to find out more information about how to Make Poverty History in 2005. There will be speakers from Oxfam, CAFOD and Christian Aid on trade, aid and debt and an opportunity for people to sign up to the campaign and get their white band which is the symbol of Make Poverty History. Refreshments will be available courtesy of New Roots.


If you are unable to attend but still want to help Make Poverty History in 2005 then log on to the website http://www.makepovertyhistory.org or email sheffieldmakepovertyhistory@hotmail.co.uk


People & Planet Sheffield

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