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Everything posted by barlowmoor

  1. Does anyone have a copy of this book by Cyril Slinn? I should like to purchase a copy please. Thank you, Roger.
  2. I have done that and have not received a response. That is why I made the request. Thank you very much for your interest and for your response.
  3. Can anyone please put me in touch with Nigel Womersley of Ecclesfield? If so, that would be much appreciated. Thank you, Roger.
  4. Can anyone suggest a book, please, possibly with a red cover, either entitled or having a chapter on Coalfields of South Yorkshire? It should have a drawing or a photograph of Barrow Colliery Yard in Barnsley, with a row of miners' cottages. Any help you can give would be much appreciated. Thank you for your interest.
  5. Nice to hear from you and a good suggestion which will be followed up. We appreciate your help. Thank you.
  6. Would anyone have for sale a copy of Ecclesfield Remembered by Cyril Slinn (Countrdside Publication, 1983)?
  7. Would anyone have any information please on Mr William Jackson, Lecturer on Anatomy and Mr Jospeh Campbell, Surgeon, who gave evidence at the end of September 1830 on a murder inquest of a baby in Ecclesfield at the end of September 1830? Thank you.
  8. Thank you very much for the information. I should still like to hear from Nigel Womersle, please.
  9. My e-mail is books@barlowmoorbooks.co.uk, and I should much like to hear from Nigel Womersle regarding the old Black Bull public House. Thank you.
  10. Can anyone help me please with a picture of the Black Bull before 1907 when it was rebuilt? There was a message from Nigel Womersle in 03-07-2007, 00:26, and I should very much like to hear from him or from anyone else who knows Ecclesfield well. Thank you for your help.
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