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  1. Well, because the entire road seems dedicated to food in one form or another, be it takeaways or restaurants, they all fall under the same category really. Just wanted to see what people thought of the area being so dominated by one form of land use.
  2. Well, just because the entire road seems dedicated to food in one form or another, restaurants, takeaways etc... Just wanted to see what people thought about the area being so dominated by one form of land use.
  3. Just heard there's going to be another restaurant built where the Sharrow Community Forum building used to be! Do people think there's too many takeaways already? Went past on the bus to Greenhill the other day, there's hundreds!
  4. thanks guys, this is really helpful! and i wouldn't be a very good journalism student if i took everything at face value
  5. I'm going to, I just thought it would help my work if I got as many opinions from as many sources as possible!
  6. people keep talking about off-road bikes causing a disturbance on lowedges road. does anybody live there? is the problem really bad?
  7. what do you think the main problems caused by the lorries are?
  8. I'm not sure, I think the council were looking for the ban to be approved at the community aseembly meeting a few weeks ago, but I don't know if it actually was!
  9. what do you think about the council banning lorries driving down there? is it a good idea?
  10. so does everyone reckon that banning HGV's from Bocking Lane is not going to stop the problem, simply move it?
  11. What does everyone think about the council possibly banning lorries from using Bocking Lane/Greenhill Avenue in Greenhill as a shortcut? The campaigns have been going on nearly 6 years, and the council are set to start drawing up plans at the community assembly meeting on 25th March. Do people want the lorry ban to happen?
  12. Hi everyone! I'm currently doing a Journalism degree at University of Sheffield, and have to report on council meetings as part of my course. I attended one on 24th Feb in which the 'Lowfield Project' was discussed. This is basically the plan to improve youth facilities in the Lowfield area by: Building a 'state of the art' youth facility Building a football pitch and organising sporting activities for young people to participate in Improving the kitchen and canteen at Lowfield Primary, promoting a healthier lifestyle It would be really helpful if people could message me their ideas and thoughts on this project, particularly focusing on: What problems you think young people are facing at the moment If the project will help anti-social behaviour If you think it is a good idea The effect you think it will have on the local area Either private message me, reply to this thread with thoughts or email erin.cardiff@hotmail.co.uk Thanks!
  13. Hi everyone I'm currently doing a Journalism degree at University of Sheffield, and have to write a story on Abbeydale Grange School's closure for one of my assignments. If any of you could message me any quotes about your thoughts on the schools closure, that would be a major help! or email erin.cardiff@hotmail.co.uk Thanks! xx
  14. Hi everyone! I'm doing a Journalism degree at University of Sheffield and for one of our modules we are allocated patches of the city to report on! I've been given Beauchief and Sheffield, so i'm just trying to get information from as many different places as possible about the area and anything going on there! If anybody knows of any events/incidents/news at all, no matter how big or small, it would be a massive help! Thanks!
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