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Posts posted by canz

  1. I'm holding an event on the 26th April (Saturday)Town Center 5:00pm - 2:00am


    There will be a variety of acts including, Rappers/M.C's and more. As well as D.J's Playing a wide genre of music. As well as live art and more. I'm looking for female/ male solo singers/ acoustic ect. We're basically after a mixture. Unfortunately this is unpaid since this is just our first event but may be paid in future events, However we're happy if you bring along mixtapes/albums ect to sell on the night. And we can sort a few drinks out ;). If your interested in this could you please get back to me as soon as possible/ Message me. And i'll be happy to give more details i.e location ect. Please Only Contact me If yo are truly interested as i'm on a tight schedule to get things ready. Thanks :)

  2. I've been into photography a good few month now and really enjoy it. The sort of photography i'm into is urbex, Old factory's/Buildings. Street Art as well as wildlife. I was just wondering if there was anyone age between 20-25 similar age to me, who would fancy meeting up maybe a small group and going out to places with cameras. Would be nice to meet new people around my age with same interest.

  3. Hi, sorry I know this is an old thread but thought id save making a new one.


    I'm interested in starting photography and wondered what people recommend as the best camera to start of with. Like above I've been recommended the Nikon D5000. I'm not wanting to spend a fortune on one but I do appreciate good cameras cost.


    As I put I'm a complete beginner to this. I know the sort of photos I'm wanting to take if that helps. Mainly black and white/ Some night shots/ and also light exposure.


    I also like editing photos like changing color and effect ect.


    Hope this helps. Any advice and suggestions are appreciated. Thanks

  4. Just wondering is there anyone on here who can give me some advice on doing an art course at college and possibly leading onto university. Basically im 21 and currently unemployed. And with the recession and all the other problems at the minute its difficult to find a job. I have always been passionate about doing art all way through school and even now im still doing it. I did want to become a tattoo artist but its difficult to get an apprenticeship in this. The only thing thats putting me of college slightly is my age. I dont want to feel like the oldest one in the class. And also I dont want to persue this and feel in the end as if its been a waist. I want to do this to not only learn new skills in art but also to meet new people.

  5. Hi, yes I rang the school up and they said they dont keep the certificates and that i would have to contact AQA so after a few phone calls I ended up getting told to go on a website where I can apply for my certificates but it takes me back to what i was saying about 25 quid each, I could understand if I had lost them but i never got them in the first place :(

  6. Does anybody know how I can find out my gcse results without having to pay for them. I left school a few years ago but unfortunatley when the time came to collect your certificates i was away and i never got the chance to collect them, also never needed them as i already had a job as soon as i left school. I know the website and numbers ect to apply for my certificates, But its 25 quid for each result. I dont need the certificates just want to know what i got so i can put them in my c.v Thanks.

  7. I was wondering if theres anyone on here who could give me some advice regarding what sort of Career/Job I should look into doing. Should I just look for a regular 9-5 job or should I consider going on a course?


    As everyones aware trying to get a job at the min is hard, especially for ages (18-25) Iv'e been lookin for quite a while now for a job and still no luck, and I dont really enjoy sponging of other people via the JSA.


    With having no luck finding a job, i've been thinking about doing a course at college/uni but is it worth it? As your still not guaranteed a job once you've graduated. But on the other hand its better than sat doing nothing. Im really into design and art and wouldnt mind learning graphic design amongst other things, I have a few friends at uni and they say its the best thing they've ever done. But I just cant make my mind up on what I should do :confused:

  8. This is gonna sound odd but im looking to get into the graffiti art scene, but think is im pretty much new to it so i wanna know if theres anyone that could help me out with developing my skills n stuff


    Firstly your on the wrong forum, youll get anything but encouragement on here. Best advice i can give you it to look on some graffiti forums and websites, plenty of info on them regarding style and does and donts, yes suprisingly graffiti does have some rules. Also youtube and google are to great ways to looks different styles of graffiti, Go and buy your self a sketch pad which is known as a black book in graffiti terms and just practice your style until you think your good enough to paint. Hope that helps.

  9. Are there any weight trainers on here who can give me any tips or advice not just weight lifting but diet aswell? Iv'e been going to the gym for a few month now, and want to get into it seriously, However too many people are telling me too many different things, Also please dont reply if your not into weight training, no offence but I want advice of people who have been doing it a few years and know what there on about. Also I dont want to touch any steroids or any funny stuff, Im after building muscle not water :hihi:

  10. Can anyone tell me why and whats the point in having two different companys doing the same bus?

    I bought an all day rider yesterday which I could use on the tram aswell as the 120 and later that day I went to get on one of these new green 120's and he refused to let me on and said I had to wait for one of the other 120's to come because I couldnt use that ticket. If thats the case then shouldnt they go back to being 120's and 41's?

  11. Hi, does anyone know where i can get a varsity jacket from in sheffield? Im not after a designer one just plain black with white sleeves. Prefrebly with a hood but doesnt have to. Iv'e been to one shop and they were £60 just for a plain one not even a designer. If anyone knows any shops please can you let me know thanks. P.S (Iv'e been on ebay)

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