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Posts posted by suzyoo

  1. Does anyone still take sandwiches to work for lunch ,with all the take aways etc so convenient but years ago before all these sprung up what did you take to work for lunch. I remember my dad back inthe 50s use to take cold bacon sandwiches , mum would make his pack up the night before and put it in his bag for work , a khaki nap sack from the army and general store


    not forgetting the enamel billy can and some mashings wrapped in news paper

  2. Didn,t liquorice root used to be a staple crop grown in the Wakefield area years ago?.As a kid I loved it it was cheap to buy and I would chew and suck it until was reduced to shreds,another favourite of mine when I was flush with dosh was Highland toffee with the picture of a long haired highland cow on it!.Also can anyone remember herbal cigarettes they weren,t too bad either all purchased from the beer off at the bottom of Farfield Road,he sold single cigs to us schoolkids he would be sent to hell nowadays for it now how times have changed!.


    mcCowans highland toffee

  3. The environment minister micheal give has said he's going to bring in a deposit scheme on plastic bottles to reduce waste and encourage recycling ,will this work or will people not bother taking them back as can't it being more than a few pence deposit on a plastic bottle


    its got to work due to the amount of crap were throwing in the oceans

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