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Posts posted by Gram?

  1. I have just returned from a trip to the supermarket. As I was entering a woman was loading a child into a shopping trolley. It was quite evident from the smell that he had stepped into something that had recently exited a dogs backside and was now being smeared onto the wire mesh of the trolley.


    Bearing in mind that the next customer to use that trolley might fill it with French loaves I have to think that there is a serious health hazard here.




    Made up story.


    Explain to me this; How close were you to the kid to be able to tell that he had stepped in poo? I mean yeah dog poo smells rough, but in a supermarket, or big space, how could you smell it unless you were stood right on top of him and not moving.


    Tell me, were you and this kid both stationary and close enough to eachother for your bloodhound senses to pick this scent up?


    Just doesnt ring true sorry.


    Sometimes you cant even smell it on your own shoe, never mindbeing able to detect it on a kid, and be able to know that it was on his foot, and not his mums or whatever...

  2. You're still having trouble with the OP........


    Is it any of your damned business if two people you don't know want to get married?


    That wasnt the OP. It seems even you have a problem remebering the original post.


    Are you a youngster by any chance?


    ---------- Post added 09-02-2013 at 14:47 ----------


    Marriage as a concept is the joining of a man and a woman in holy matrimony. It's that simple and I dont know why there is a discussion about it :confused:

    Like a cheese omelette is the joining of plain omelette and cheese. You cant make a cheese omelette with either just plain omelette or just cheese. You can however have the two together on a plate to get a very similar taste but it isnt a cheese omelette.


    Only sensible post here.


    Its not about discrimination, its about definition.

  3. For you to know it that is was a 100% scam you should notify the police as you must know them :roll: and if it was a scam why would they ask me to leave them alone (which they did not) if it was, Think they would have said yes please mate as they eyed my shopping up :hihi:


    The scammers asking you to leave them alone was just a tactic to make you think they were genuine, im appalled by your naivety really.


    What was in the shopping bag that you had stolen? Think about your purchases, now picture them eating them and laughing together at what an easy target you were.


    Im not trying to annoy you, I'm trying to educate you so this doesn't happen again.

  4. In short, if the unverse is expanding as we are led to beleive, then surely at some point it will gain, or have gained enough mass to reverse the expansion and have enough gravity to suck it all back in..


    Maybe that theory is flawed, i dont know.


    But if that is correct, then at what point would the retraction, reversal of expansion stop, or would it just continue and eat up everything?


    Maybe that process would happen, and once it had reversed so far it would then start expanding again, then be pulled back etc for infinity?


    I'm guessing though that it could never expand once it had been pulled back in, as the mass pulling it back would be infinitely increasing....


    My head hurts just thinking of this stuff!

  5. Couldn't agree more with the OP.


    Flintoff is extremely lucky he was in with a complete bum tonight. He should call it a day now, no point in being a boxer if you can't throw a proper punch.


    I 100% guarantee I could beat Flintoff without even training, he was awful.


    I bet McGuigan was a bit embarrassed, he trained him for 6 months but didn't teach him how to throw a punch??? Bizarre!!!


    ---------- Post added 01-12-2012 at 07:09 ----------


    Yet another disgraceful sideshow to cheapen the sport I live so much.


    Boxing falls deeper into the gutter once again, whoever signed off on a license for Flintoff should be sacked immediately, what a joke.


    ---------- Post added 01-12-2012 at 07:10 ----------


    Car crash tv, but as a non boxing fan i enjoyed it.

    Next i want to see Gok Wan v justin Beiber.


    Gok Wan would probably beat Flintoff after what I just saw.

  6. In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[3] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[4] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.


    To disagree is NOT to troll.

    OR if it is then I am now trolling.




    Shame the others on here don't share your sense.

  7. my wife was in hospital for 10 weeks-just a year ago--she choose not to have TV and phone----she just did not want it-----but please think about the cost of any private supplier to install these outlets to every bed--quite a task--perhaps it would have been better not to install such a system at all----


    Be careful, you may be branded a troll for having a differing opinion to the bullying mob on here.

  8. People who have paid into the NHS for very very many years are NOT freeloaders!


    You paid into the NHS for HEALTHCARE, not to catch up on Jeremy Kyle sorry.


    Free food, free bed, free water, electricity, healthcare, medicine, Nurses and Doctors wages the list goes on.


    And then to have the cheek to complain about paying for TV, I'm sorry, you're all embarrassing

  9. If a Pistol goes over 6ft lbs then it becomes a firearm, firearms as pistols are banned so I was told that getting caught with a pistol that's over the legal limit is actually worse than getting caught with a rifle over the limit..



    I have a couple of Custom Ratcatchers..




    Cheers, Biggsy


    Nice guns.


    Patio could do with a bit of attention.

  10. When I first started training I had 10kg each side of the olympic bar and after 5 reps I was struggling.

    Now or should I say a year ago I was benching 140kg on the bar and on dumbells I was benching 55kg dumbells in each hand.

    Everybody struggles at first but as you progress you will get stronger.


    I rep at about 200kg, and if I'm showing off I'll do one or two at 275kg, but that's when it gets really tough.

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