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Posts posted by NorthernStar

  1. The storey was lacking details it basicly says that they are going to spend £6 000 000.00 on 200 hundred people, so they get £30 000.00 each (nice).


    Just leaves me wondering what they are going to do and how it will help, government money usually goes to the people who bullshizzell a great deal and help no-one but themselves.


    Is this another one of those deals or are there real plans and is there a way to have some snake oil salesmans sprouts on the anvil should (s)he fails to deliver.

  2. It's been a busy month for me and the Peregrines have been out of mind.


    Tonight I thought I'd take a look at the webcam and I'm truly shocked at how fast these creatures have grown in a month.


    Just over four weeks ago I watched the second hatching:




    ...... and now I'm looking at them as they dare to risk life and wing before they (hopefully) fly the scrape.




    They really are pushing their luck aren't they?

  3. 3 way control traffic lights with poor timing, I went at lunchtime and spent a good 10 minutes waiting for their temporary traffic lights to change to green despite no cars coming out, but the lights were on green when exiting the store despite there not being any other cars but me.


    I'm sure the contractor will be aware of this and deal with it, or perhaps the works are only for a short time; just glad I'm not doing the rush traffic through halfway today.

  4. Asbestos is perfectly harmless if left undisturbed but needs to be periodically inspected for deterioration. It is the landlords duty to manage asbestos and inform anyone who may come in contact with it, usually tradesmen; and if necessary make arrangements for removal or encapsulation.


    Don't worry about it, be glad the council are taking their responsibilities seriously but if you do need to carry out any works or drill any holes I'm sure that they would be more than happy to share their information willingly.

  5. Well I think they're cute, I'd like to see more pigeons.


    The last time I went to ponds forge watching the birds flying around made an otherwise dull post workout coffee infinitely more interesting.


    Perhaps they could introduce other animals too, I'd like to see some friendly cats, parrots and spider monkeys, maybe even some fish in the pool too.


    It could catch on.

  6. Victoria Quays is around £3 all day (you don't pay by the hour). It never fills up unlike Blonk St.


    Also, if you're a member of Hilton's Gym, i think you can get a parking token (that works all day). That makes Parking ~£25 a month by my estimate :)


    Wow!, I used to use this car park about 8 years ago before I move to Sheffield and it was the same price then. Good to know now I've just moved away to NE Derbyshire with one foot still in Sheffield. :thumbsup:

  7. If someone's deluded enough to think that dressing up in a suit makes you eligible for a job, then more fool them … It's the person them self that qualifies.

    Personally, if an employer judged on what I was wearing, be it a cheap tacky F+F, or god forbid, an Armani, I'd tell 'em to stuff their job … judge my work.

    I'd also treat someone suspiciously if they came to an interview dressed in a suit as it's a very 'sheeple' attitude, suggesting no individuality. Wear a tie, be like everybody else sort of illness, .


    Dress as you feel, not as how some deluded 'play golf at the weekend, keep up with the Jones's, 2.4 children, holiday in Costa del Sol, whisky and lemonade, stripey lawned' interviewer expects. Who's the loser?

    Smart and casual, that's what I say … it says much more about you. :thumbsup:


    Indeed, dress like the man you want to be is my motto........


    I just couldn't understand why my boss had me up in the HR department whilst donning my favourite spiderman outfit.

  8. A few years ago I did the Sam Smiths brewery tour and one thing they told us is that the water they used they pulled up from an underground lake below the brewery itself; Given that fact alone is good enough reason for them shudder at the thought of a piling rig rocking up anywhere near their premises and potentially altering the taste of their unique brewing water.

  9. My partner and I approached the two armed officers at the bottom of Fargate today and asked why they were there.I have to give them credit, they were incredibly polite and more than happy to explain their presence was purely to reassure the public and to respond to local feedback that people felt unsettled following the Paris attacks. Also there are constant rumours people spread about potential attacks on places like Meadowhall (which also had armed police present) and these are completely unfounded yet creates a sense of unease and fear. The police we spoke to purely wanted people to feel safe, protected and were encouraging the public to approach them with any questions or concerns.


    I'm sure that they were lovely lads with all the best intentions but the effect of seeing guns in public made me feel uneasy and unsafe. The thought of a potential terrorist attack wasn't even a concern to me until I saw those guys.


    Statistically speaking the chances of a full on terrorist attack on the Sheffield Christmas markets are minuscule, though it is good to know that the police are ready 'if necessary' but it should be measured and not flaunted in my opinion.

  10. Today I had decided to take a stroll around the city centre in search of last minute Christmas shopping; as I was mooching around the Christmas Markets that are currently on Fargate I came face to face with a couple of police officers brandishing rifles as they patrolled.


    This to me was quite a shocking sight; personally I find guns in a public place unnerving and unnecessary.


    I have two questions:


    1) Are we, the people of Sheffield under that much of a threat that needs highly visible armed patrols?


    2) Does this normalisation of armed coppers up the ante meaning that the desperados who wouldn’t normally carry weapons decide that they should ‘tool up’ as well.


    It was a bad sign of how society is shaping up, knocked the Christmas spirit right out of me.:o

  11. Gosh I would love to go for a few pints with him. Trouble is as I talk a lot I doubt he would get a word in edgeways ! :thumbsup:


    I think Brian isn't the sort of shy retiring type that struggles to get a word in:hihi:


    I'd bet he's a laugh to be around though I suspect it'd all be too much for the likes of AlexAtkin.

  12. The guy's a living legend.



    Yes, he should have stayed in Goldthorpe and not gotten ideas above his station.


    Gone dahn't t'pit and then spent his declining years on t'dole, moaning about t'council and t'government.


    That's how northerners should live.


    Indeed, hear his own views on the subject; especially his opinion of 'Julian'


  13. Just found out on the RAF website that it is based at Caernarfon airport in Wales.They do a good job.:thumbsup:


    ---------- Post added 22-11-2015 at 18:08 ----------


    Apparently there is one also based at Humberside airport so more likely to be going back there.


    I'm tracking it and it looks like it going towards Humberside airport.




    Just landed at Humberside airport as you predicted.

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