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Everything posted by sheff&chef

  1. Hi benben, have you paid? I got a ticket yesterday for the same carpark behind dunelm mill. I apparently was over by 12 mins and being charged £80. However I phoned the number yesterday and spoke to a very unhelpful and rude person whom i tried not to be rude to in return. I argued that £80 pounds for 12 mins was unreasonable. Does this mean Ive lost the upper hand? and should just pay? what do people think?
  2. Thanks everyone for your responses. I will get working on my business plan. Go4it are you speaking from experience? What particular aspect leaks money that I may not have considered. Have been researching this for a while but if you have first hand experience to pass on the i'd be very grateful. Thanks
  3. Hi, we are hoping to start a business soon (small coffee shop) and have been keeping a lot of records of suppliers, set up costs, location etc. However we want to try and start without borrowing from a bank or getting a loan. Therefore do we still need a detailed business plan? Who would we show this to? If its just for us, its seems a lot of work that might not be that useful as we have all our ideas in rough formation already. thanks for any help
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