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Posts posted by alicefaye123

  1. Oi!!!!


    As I said in an earlier post, I'm one of the kindest people I know, so don't you go judging me. I'm a really good person. I am a firm advocate of the right to enjoy one's leisure time. How can I possibly enjoy my leisure time when this sort of thing happens? Have you never made a snide remark at someone? You MUST realise how funny it can be? The fool in the hat had no right to go off alarming. He acted as if he were beserk. Looking back, I'm surprised it didn't turn ugly (he was very ugly anyway, and his hat made him look worse).


    I'm not ashamed. I'm proud that I stand up for my rights.


    The hat man was clearly of a very low intelligence.


    if he was acting like a complete utter n*bhead in the pub as you say then i could understand but if it was just because of his hat or whatever then that's pretty lame. yer and i guess you are right i have made a snide remark at someone but never just because of ther dress sence. they had to be doing something stupid.

  2. Get a grip! I didn't say it to wind him up. I said it because it needed to be said. I'll bet that everyone in the bar was really proud of what I did. I was probably a hero in their eyes.


    Oh my god, Infact you are a hero, let everybody worship you almighty!!


    lets put everybody who wears those hats up against a wall n shoot them....



  3. Get a grip! I didn't say it to wind him up. I said it because it needed to be said. I'll bet that everyone in the bar was really proud of what I did. I was probably a hero in their eyes.


    Get a grip, you're the one who should get a grip love, leave the kids alone. how would u feel if someone made a horrible remark about your clothing you'd probably say something back! you cant just go about acting like your a "hero" as you put it.


    It didn't need to be said your just obviously a very rude person and doesnt give a flying sh*t about others and as for feeling proud ide be ashamed if i was with you in that pub.



  4. They look like the flotsam and jetsam of society! These people deserve to be told. Honestly, I questioned a young male wearing a 'beanie' hat in the Pomona only last week. Well, not questioned as such but made a sarcastic remark in his ear. His response was a volley of expletives! What on earth is happening to society? All I wanted to do was have a quiet drink, read the newspapers and watch a rock band.


    Ergo, I totally agree with the anti-wooly hat movement that you are trying to start up. COUNT ME IN!


    (and don't let them on trams)


    What on earth is happening to society... people like you making stupid sarcastic remarks to wind people up. i think it's really childish of you:rant::huh:

  5. I think The Chief was just asking for a big debate,


    Personally i don't really like those hats but I'm not that bothered by them that I'd go up to someone and tell them they look stupid or whatever that's just horrible and The Chief just sounds old and grumpy. get a grip


    we could complain about how you old people wear stupid Velcro shoes & elasticated trousers but we don't say anything because we are nice.



  6. the pub im going on about is the peacock just befor the round about. ther was an accident there yesterday afternoon. just wonderd if that was snake pass, dont think it is now though!. but yes there was an accident just up from the peacock pub looked pretty bad. car upside down & everything!!! driving too fast round the corner me thinks!:confused:

  7. So you feel your bag getting open and do nothing? when comfront her why didnt you run after her? you are 18 and should be fit enough to run! Or if you shout thief and chase her i bet plently of people would have help, or are you too polite to shout in a busy shopping center:loopy:


    gingerboy. quit being so argumentative its obviouse she didnt know what to do at that moment in time. like most normal women would do they'd just stand there & be like...sh*t no point in running after her, she might turn round & hit me or something. so yer! quit being like that. :mad:

  8. my niece asked me what that smell was once, i decided that that was a conversation she should best have when she's older (and with her mother) so i told her thats what people who dont have enough baths smell like!!


    she said they smell horrid and she will have a bathe everyday!!!


    i disagree with cannabis smoking around me, i detest the smell, its rancid, but if people want to do it in their own homes thats their choice.

    when i go to frinds houses who do smoke it i say nowt as its their home, when they come to my house, they do not smoke it as they are a guest in my house


    fair enough i say :thumbsup:

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