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Everything posted by ehdan

  1. I've had one for ten years, first acoustic guitar I bought. It's great for the price, I've still got mine for using at home, it's a good quality guitar for the cash, better than most others in the same price range.
  2. Hi Im a 27yr old guitarist interested in a casual covers band. Im heavily influenced in britpop/90's pop and alt rock, and most indie bands over the last 20 years. I have loads of experience playing in different bands over the past 10 years. Anyone have similar interests? Anyone have a band needing someone like me?
  3. Thanks for the replies guys, Im lead and a Marshall should be fine for what I need. Cheers
  4. Hi, just wanted to know what amps are being currently used at yellow arch studios for rehearsing bands? Im booked in for a practice & wondered if its worth taking my own amp or using theirs in the rehearsal rooms? Cant seem to find the info on their website, Ive never been before either. Thanks, Dan
  5. Hi folks, Im a guitarist from chesterfield and occasionally have a look on this forum. I've always had an idea to form an acoustic / semi acoustic band, Ive been in metal/rock/indie bands for years but always fancied doing some acoustic stuff locally around Chesterfield/Sheffield. Anyone have a similar interest?
  6. Hi We are an already established original indie/alternative band called Stray Echoes. http://www.myspace.com/strayechoes We are looking for a bass player as the one we have been borrowing for 6 months has to go back to his band. Have a listen to the myspace stuff, we practise near j30 of m1, but gig in sheffield and around south yorks. Or come and see us at the O2 academy on the 23rd jan. All original music. Please get in touch. age 20 and above. Cheers, SE
  7. Oh dear...well I hear theres a Real Time Music store opened up in the city centre so that should be good.
  8. Can anyone tell me whats happened to the Reverb shop that was on Manor Top? Have they completely shut down or have they relocated? Its been closed everytime I've been passed recently. Thanks
  9. Hi, I am in a band currently called Electric Hazard, based in Staveley, Chesterfield. http://www.myspace.com/electrichazardrock We are currently looking for a bass guitarist wanting gigs in and around Sheffield city centre at decent venues, boardwalk, grapes, plug etc. and who can commit. We write our own stuff and are popular on the unsigned bands scene. Influences include Oasis, Bloc Party, Stereophonics, Interpol, Editors etc. Please post if interested. Cheers
  10. Bump !! Still looking if anyone is interested
  11. Hi, We are looking for a singer and bass guitarist for our band ELECTRIC HAZARD. Please check out our myspace for music & info under myspace/electrichazardrock We are busy gigging, writing and recording, and are a serious (but not too serious) band. We get plenty of gigs and have done so since we started as a band last year, and we have travelled about a bit aswell. Please reply if interested or you know someone who might be interested. Age 18+ and able to drive would be nice aswell Cheers folks
  12. No mate, its a "please sing for my band so we can keep gigging" thread
  13. ...on monday (15th Dec) It was an ace night. Bands on were: The Caparo's Electric Hazard Risky Heroes Little Comets All the bands were excellent and were playing to a great crowd. Anyway I'll get to the point. I play guitar for Electric Hazard and anyone who came on monday will have seen us and know what we're all about. For those who don't, we have a myspace under electrichazardrock. We need a new singer and bass guitarist. Please check out our myspace, we also have a facebook group called Electric Hazard, and we gig at decent venues to fantastic crowds. Get in touch if interested :):)
  14. Hi, We are looking for a singer and bass guitarist for our band ELECTRIC HAZARD. Please check out our myspace for music & info under myspace/electrichazardrock We are busy gigging, writing and recording, and are a serious (but not too serious) band. We get plenty of gigs and have done so since we started as a band last year, and we have travelled about a bit aswell. Please reply if interested or you know someone who might be interested. Age 18+ and able to drive would be nice aswell Cheers folks
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