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Everything posted by swatts

  1. hi dude S mo here I do remember Terry simcox he joined army with me from school I only lasted a month but that was 3 weeks and 6 days longer than Simmy as he went home the first day.
  2. Hi tripleu John wattsys brother here hes just moved back down south I will let him know whats going off up here if you keep me informed via this site swatts
  3. Went down town Fiday met Bob Fretwell went into Crystal room I think? thought I was back down Darnall full of older faces I remember but not the names unfortunatly.Did Bob go to Park House or did I just know him from Darnall/Attercliffe he was a few years younger than me so he may have mistook me for one of my brothers (Mo)
  4. No not seen them for ages the last time I saw Steve Ward was in a pub near the Arena he goes in there every sunday.I see Vaugns brother regular but he never went to our school. I live in Stannington married with a 17 year old daughter who goes to Tapton.I spend my time boozing down Witherspoons in Hillsbrough but I may go down and see if Wardy still hangs out down Cliff this Sunday and mention this website.
  5. Yes Gay married Vaugn Ransom from our year, Steve Ward and Ray Williams also comes to mind.
  6. You may recall Martin Darby,Gary Turner,Steve Hodgkinson and Lefty Gary works at City school not sure where the others are.PS asked Tim Edge about a girl called Racheal dint seem to remember her?
  7. Hi ye dude not seen your steve 4 years but my brother Norman still sees your Dean
  8. Yes it was changed to my mums maiden name
  9. Hi me again Steve Mo? not sure how to work this thing sent a reply but not sure if anyone got it so doin another I left in 74 have lots of brothers you should remember one of them all younger than me Brian,Norman,Martin,Ramon,John.lived on Eleanor Street.Now work with Tim Edge at Chaucer school. I remember a pe teacher called Bob False last time I saw him must have been 10 years ago selling running shoes down Attercliffe still had his massive tash.
  10. I just found this message whilst ******* about I went to PH left in 74 from darnell Steve Mo have loads of brothers all one year younger than the other john,Ramon,Martin,Norman,Brian. I work at Chaucer with Tim Edge its a small world after all ps dont remember anything about PH but remember all those names.
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