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Everything posted by davygfuchsia

  1. I am not sure if he was a Union man ,I think he worked at the Steel works at that time .and would have been about 39yrs old Dave
  2. Hi . I have a Great Aunt (87) who recalls her father George Rupert Shields being involved in a Parade /Rally or March around 1926/27 near Wicker Arches Sheffield (they lived in Danville St) She was around 5/6 yrs old and standing with her mother . Her father lifted her onto a truck or trailer as it passed by . Shortly after this event my G.Aunt and her siblings where put in Fulwood Childrens home until end of their childhood . She has always felt this was connected in some way and believed her father was in prison for some reason ? Anyone have any thoughts what this event may have been . Dave .
  3. Hi Does anyone have any information on Bluecoat Charity School..East Parade .,I have a family member who I believe attended around 1895/1900... Dave
  4. Hi All Wonder if anyone has ever come across 'The Barclay sisters '.They were dancers who originate from Halifax. There names were Joy ..and Elizabeth (stage name Vicky Lester) Boothman .Any help appreciated . Dave
  5. Hi Having been reading these posts on Danville St .Wondering if any of you folk remember any of these names from Danville St, I think that they were at 96. Names are George Rupert Shields...and his partner Martha Robinson.they were never married but did have several children Frank..Hilda. Annie.Edna.Joan and they were called Robinson not Shields . I also believe that a Louis Robinson (Martha son from her husband) lived in Danville St for a while he had 3 children Kenneth, Steven and Verina ... Martha may also have had some of here other children from her marriage living at 96 ..Blanche .Ada.Theodore. Blanche Robinson is my Grandmother and my interst is through my family tree research Dave
  6. Hi All Thankyou for all your help and comments I am on holiday for a week as from tonight ,but on my return I wll put some photos of the home on this thead..My Gt Aunt was at FCH from 1925-1935/36 and has many stories to tell .. Dave
  7. Evening Sedge and all Sedge ,thankyou for the copies..We had a wonderful day .Aunty was in house 19 which is now number 42 ..we had agood look around and have a few photos.. Then went to the school.'Moorfield school' which in late twenties was girls only ..Then on to Christchurch Fulwood had a look inside and around the churchyard... Weather was kind and we finished off with tea and a sticky bun .. All safely home .. Dave
  8. Hi Flyer. Until i visit tomorrow I am uncertain about anything .I live in Northampton and will be taking my Gt Aunt to revisit these places ..I have never been to this area before .I will let you known about the church etc on my return . Dave
  9. Thankyou for location of homes . The reason for my visit is to take my 87 yr old Great Aunt. who was put in the home with her 3 sisters and brother in 1925. She did indeed go to Sunday school at Fulwood They were all there till age of 15.then went on to make thier way in life ..My Gt Aunt is a wonderful lady and has such memories,which I feel privledged to have shared ...We are heading there tomorrow so hoping for good weather . Dave
  10. Hi Could anyone give me the present address of Fulwood Cottage Homes as was (I realise they are now private houses ) I am looking to visit the site and local Fulwood church . Thankyou Dave
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