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Posts posted by OneofThree

  1. Ecclesfield Handbell Ringers are very good, the Singers will be too. This concert is to raise funds so that the church bells at Ecclesfield can have major overhaul carried out.


    Bell ringing is a traditional English art, in danger of dying out in many places and bells fall in to silence. Ecclesfield ringers are good, they want to keep theirs going. All us that were married at Ecclesfield probably had the bells rung for our weddings. Please conside going to the concert or making a donation to their appeal.


    Don't let Ecclesfield go silent or electronic.

  2. I think there was an answer to this in a previous thread. Something about there only being money available to redesign the junction if it included a bicycle priority lane (or something similar). So they did this and ended up with it how it is now. I don't know how long ago this was or what the junction was like previously though.


    The ones near here at Mill Lane, The Common and Nether Lane junction are annoying too. The sequencing doesn't seem very good at certain times of day. You end up with lines of traffic on Mill Lane and Nether Lane and nothing on The Common.


    There is too much traffic in Ecclesfield for the size of roads, Mill Lane, Church Street etc. Not sure if anything could be done about it though, it is fairly close to the M1 and used as a route to the A61.


    I think the purpose of the traffic lights on The Common is to hold up traffic from Chapeltown and Cross Hill so that the Morrison's junction does not choke up.


    The cycle priority lane and it's dedicated traffic light have been covered with a bag so you can't see them ever since the traffic lights were put in.

  3. There was a large wooden bandstand on this site. Lovely thing, quite large, with an underground storeroom for chairs which they used to place around the bandstand in the summer. It was still there in the 90's but succumed to vandalism.


    Chapeltown Band played there regularly. It was a main feature of the park.


    Chapeltown Park is a shadow of its former self, it was WRDC's main shrub showpark and had lighting up the paths to the bandstand, a drinking fountain nearby, a large pavilion in lath and plaster style near the playground.

  4. Square coloured lights set in to the inner face of the fountain at water level. The colours faded up and down to a set sequence. It did look good when it wasn't attacked by fairy liquid.


    Remember the Sheaf Square fountain? A pillar of transparent blocks lit from inside with a solid jets of water.


    Finally the one at the back of Debenhams in the long oblong trough, is there any photos out there?

  5. Just can't stop themselves interfering with traffic flows in Ecclesfield and Chapeltown.


    Nothing that has ever been done in this area has made things better. Someone will have realised that motorists might have been able to travel fast for a few hundred yards in the area and stopped it.


    Why don't they address the real problems of massive lines of standing traffic at The Common, Green Lane, Chapeltown Island, etc.


    Many people take the alternative route through Ecclesfield village which is just making the whole thing a serious and dangerous farce. It seems to me that there is much more risk in the village from shortcutting vehicles avoiding standing traffic than some cars on the USL section of Nether Lane.

  6. I can remember the shop which was there before the chinese takeaway, it sold general grocery type things. Nigel will know who owned it, I seem to think it was Haigh's. The semi's along that part of The Common were built around 1932.


    If there was a pond only people around 80 years of age will know of it.

  7. I think it may just have been a coincidence that the cranes were at right angle to the road, as when not in use cranes are left in neutral slew so if the wind changes they turn into the wind like a windmill does so they don't blow over. (ex crane driver )


    I never knew that.


    So you can always tell the wind direction by looking at a crane, bit like a weather vane.


    These must be the largest weather vanes lit up at night in the area.

  8. Just thought I would bring this to the forum again. They have done it again, bringing some Christmas lights to the Grange Lane and M1 traffic. They even take care to point the cranes at right angles to the road so that you get the best view.


    Well done to them. Is there anyone on this forum from the crane company?

  9. Ewden Valley - in the autumn, and both reservoirs overflowing at the moment


    Longshaw - only just outside the boundary by a few hundred feet, great views to Carl Wark and Higger Tor, has NT tea room and Sheepdog Trials in September. A day on the moors.


    Glen Howe Park - lovely walk through woods and by streams, mostly landscaped in the past but very well done, (Wortley Rural District Council)


    Chapeltown Woods - not particularly scenic but steeped in history of mining, railways, and local Industry all hidden in the undergrowth


    Redmires Dams - wild and windswept if you take the path at the end of the road

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