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Posts posted by sunblock

  1. 2 hours ago, vmam said:

    They will always sound louder at night, are they a problem for you ?

    If I can hear them in the house yes....but depends how often it is etc. That's why im wondering if anyone in the area can tell me

    10 hours ago, Pyrotequila said:

    Slightly off topic, we're at the top of Blackstock Road and we can regularly hear the train horns.

    Ah can you that a fair way out too I guess. My partner at his old address said he used to hear the horn at parson cross ive never noticed in Nether edge but maybe not close enough

  2. A quick google tells us, "The one facing down towards the pavement detects if a pedestrian walks away after pressing the button, and cancels the lights changing. The one facing sideways onto the crossing detects a pedestrian's progress across the road, and holds the lights at red (within reason) until they make it to the other side.


    As for the ones facing cars, at pedestrian crossings they monitor for gaps in traffic so the lights change to red when oncoming traffic is less busy, avoiding holding up too much traffic. At junctions, they detect a vehicle arriving at a red light and register the need for those lights to change to green."


    Another google reveals 20 different cameras, maybe one of these is the one you ask about,


    If the above info is correct I have no idea.




    Thanks i did have a look but i didn't see any posts

  3. live in S11 our road is closed with no sign of workman. Worse still I am in a wheelchair and cannot get out as we live on a cul de sac .They have taken the top surface of the road and left so many craters it very dangerous. WE keep lokking for the workmen but no sign of them. Lets hope we have more luck tomorrow


    I reckon your near me my neighbour had a puncture in her tyre due to the said craters its like an obstacle course I'm sick of having to park my car on the only rd that isn't being done :/ I hope they come tomorrow

  4. They have closed 9 rds round me today they expect us all to park on one rd not enough spaces. I live off the rd but its been shut for three weeks now its redic its still gravel the rd. This is S11 area they were meant to be there today rds closed but no sign of work men. So they have till wed not holding my breathe they will do it either.

  5. Hi,


    I was just wondering what is an easy way of making friends in Sheffield. Im 34 and dont have children. I work but not with people my age. I suffer bad depression due to awful migraines. I have no friends. No hobbies. Im married. I love him. However im very lonely. Im under a gp for my health problems. I just would like friends. Im not from Sheffield. Well, ive lived here 12yrs.




    Feel free to pm me

  6. I had mine done at the dental hospital in September. It was badly impacted so I was given local anaesthetic and a sedative.


    Are you having the sedative? It's AMAZING - like being drunk but without a hangover. I'm convinced I fell asleep because the only things I can remember are the IV needle going into my arm, and then coming round to them saying "all over".


    The pain after was awful for a couple of weeks, but that might be because unlike you, I had to have my gum cut open and the tooth removed in sections.


    Good luck!


    Edit: just seen that you've already had it done. Hope it went well :) did you get the nasty-tasting brown stuff?



    The brown stuff that looks like wool? Yes I did on sat tastes like taste like tcp yuk I still can taste it abut now depending what I eat. My jaw is still sore I guess it will be for a bit but I'm managing to eat okay. Yours sounds painful

  7. At leased you're sorted now.:) I was quite lucky when I had mine done because I didn't get the chance to think about it. When my top and bottom left wisdom teeth came through, the top one grew at a funny angle and as I was eating it was chewing the inside of my cheek which was a nightmare.


    I made an appointment to get it checked and was offered a removal straight away, both the left ones. My initial thought was to make an appointment and come back but I thought no just get it over and done with I'm in the chair anyway.


    Yeh had to go back to the dentists yesterday thought the clot came out the night before it wasn't must just been something hanging on but she put a dressing in and cleaned it just in case I got infection and she's given me anitbotics because I have a really bad chest and my immune system is rubbish so just incase so should be okay now but the dressing taste gross. Like really strong tcp. And my nose keeps bleeding but when i asked if the two were related she said not so don't know what that's about as I don't get nose bleeds. Eek not good but that's sometimes best do it there and then instead of having to wait about

  8. Yeah, should be fine in a week! Glad it's gone ok sunblock.


    I didn't want to write earlier my nightmare to come! I had a problem removal on my lower left a few years ago, which damaged branches of the manbibular nerve, including the inferior alveolar and mental nerve, and had one of the best in the country (I'm told) to try and fix it. He did a great job, but damage was already there. Left me with little to no feeling in my chin and lower lip (and why I don't shave!). Worse to come though, when I went a year or two ago, they found that all my swelling around this left lower wisdom tooth is actually an odontoma, so I have to have an MRI every 6 months now, which if grows any more, I'll most likely lose all feeling in my left side, AND (worse still) tongue as it is all around the nerve :(


    Nothing to do with sweets! I don't like sweet things. Runs in the family. Damn teeth, gimme falsies anyday :hihi:



    Ouch that doesnt sound good my jaw feels less painful today was really hurting me yesterday intact i spent most the afternoon laid on the bed feeling off it.

  9. As obvious as it sounds, rest especially today and tomorrow, and by that I mean don't be rushing up/down stairs or doing and work around the house or owt that gets heart racing.


    Oh no i wont be I've been laid down most of today apart from going to the supermarket. Wont be going back to the gym till after easter now anyways she said would be fine to do so next week

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