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Posts posted by sadbrewer

  1. 2 hours ago, Longcol said:

     Think it was probably only Goldings at that time. From memory of Good Beer Guides from 50 years ago, hops in Englands were either Goldings or Fuggles (mainly from Kent?).


    My two pennorth on the best pint of Stones in Sheffield 70's /  early 80's was the Hanover House, Broomhall, when run by Fred and Edith Woodbine and pretty much the only handpumped Stones in Sheffield back then.


    Norfolk was a close second.

    Goldings were the top Aroma hop of the tree...particularly East Kent Goldings, breweries tended to save the most expensive Aroma hops until late in the boil or dry hopping actually into the cask..the early boil  for bitterness tended to be other 'slightly' cheaper varieties ie Fuggles ( 75% of the UK crop in the 1950's), Northern Brewer, Progress ( plus a few more).

  2. It's unlikely the beer will taste like Stones, it's a good thing to have the same yeast strain, but I notice that besides Goldings hops the brewers are using a variety called Challenger which is a relatively modern variety that wasn't around in the 50's, 60's...not coming onto the market until the 1970's. I used to know what they used ( just cant remember now) but I doubt they would switch from their traditional varieties to Challenger.

     A query on here for ex employees might have provided the answer.

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  3. 17 minutes ago, Lofty66 said:

    Good morning. Does anybody have any information on the early life of the late actress Julie Lee (born Julian Moxon, 1954). I heard she was born/lived in the Hillsborough area of Sheffield. Any information/pictures would be much appreciated!

    I can't find her being born in Sheffield, there is a Julie Moxon born in the last quarter of 1953 in the Don Valley registration district which is roughly Doncaster to the modern Rotherham border. Mother's maiden name Preston.

  4. On 15/02/2020 at 16:13, grannypat said:

    I was researching the Cambridge Hotel today back in 1910. I had thought that it was on Cambridge Street, where the old Barleycorn used to be. However, I was looking through old newpapers on Find My Past and it says The Cambridge Hotel in Sheffield was on Penistone Road. Can someone put me straight please.



    I went in the Barleycorn a couple of times in the mid to late 70's, it was very basic and was the only pub that I've ever been in that had spitoons .

  5. Not family, but my Dad's good friend Jack was in the RAF and captured at Singapore. One of the guards rolled a 50gallon drum of oil over his foot and took his toes off. When he was liberated by the Aussies he weighed less than 6 st, the Aussies lined the guards up and asked if anyone had a score to settle...he took a long handled shovel and hit one in the face, he hadn't enough strength left to do it again.

      He did say though that they weren't all bad...one in particular, a decent family man would show photos of his wife and kids and taught Jack Japanese to save him getting a hammering if he didn't understand an order. If this guard took them out of camp on a work party...and no other Japanese were present he would share a bag of sweets out amongst the lads. After the war Jack became the Co-op manager at Stairfoot in Barnsley.

  6. 14 hours ago, lobster said:

    Edward Wellwood b 1899 Keighley lived there till 1938 with the death of 1st wife grace - died Sheffeld 1971 . Does not appear to be a connection

    True, but with such an unusual name we can't rule him out...my wife's grandfather was born in Sheffield in 1927 to a milkman ( big round ?) from Shipley, there is nothing in the records that place my wife's grandmother in Shipley, or the father in Sheffield at any time, but it is factual.

      Unless there is a known family connection to the name Wellwood, I would agree that your earlier suggestion to the OP of going down the Ancestry Dna route is the only one that might produce results. There are a number of trees on Ancestry with him in, hopefully someone related has done the test that could at least give the OP a chance of writing off Wellwood...or perhaps even showing a reasonably close match to someone currently unknown.

  7. On 10/04/2024 at 13:06, Tcowan87 said:

    Hi, I am trying to find some information regarding my grandfathers father. I have no records and only know that he was born on joiner lane to Emily Cowan in 1930 and later moved to Musgrave road up burngreave. He was the uncle of Mick Cowan and brother of George and Percy Cowan.  Any information no matter how small would be helpful. Thanks 

    Is there a known family connection or history to the name Wellwood?

    If not it's possible that Wellwood could be the father's name...there is an Edward Wellwood marrying in Sheffield in 1941.


  8. 17 hours ago, m williamson said:

    According to this report Brexit has been responsible for reducing the British economy by almost £140 Billion.  Anyone who still thinks it was a good idea really needs to get a grip and accept reality.


    Even The New Statesman questions the validity of that report. 


  9. 22 hours ago, ads36 said:

    Record Levels of sewage in The Rivers


    those unicorns keep piling up don't they?

    Not only a British issue though... from Oirechtas. ie. 

    The latest report of the Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, has shown that many towns and villages simply do not have adequate water and wastewater treatment services. The report is also highly critical of Irish Water's delivery of new treatment plants. It highlights that 19 large towns and cities did not treat wastewater to a European standard in 2019, and notes that 35 areas continued to discharge raw sewage, including Omeath in my county of Louth. It goes on to state that 48 areas were under significant threat to inland and coastal water pollution as a result of wastewater discharge. Of these 48 areas, a number of areas in County Louth were identified, including Dundalk, Blackrock, Castlebellingham, Dunleer and Tallanstown. The report also notes 13 areas where wastewater discharge must immediately be improved to protect endangered freshwater pearl mussels and again two areas in County Louth were identified, Carlingford and Omeath.

    The report gives a grim overview of both Irish Water and the delivery of treatment plants. It is clear that action is needed, which is why we in the Regional Group call on the Government to take action immediately. The motion calls on the Government to recognise that many towns and villages do not have water and wastewater treatment services. We need people living in communities in order to develop growth centres. 

  10. 14 hours ago, Top4719 said:

    I think I remember the pawn shop but can't remember it's name.


    On the same theme can anyone remember this shop - what is now Yates/Ask Italian on the corner of Division St/Cambridge St used to be a bit wasteland that was a small car park (on what I assume was the site of previously demolished buildings) if you were facing this car park with your back to Cole Brothers/John Lewis there was a shop next door, used to have stuff hung outside, looked a bit gothy and you went up a couple of steps to get in.

    If you're thinking about the one that often had motorcycle jackets outside... wasn't it Pip's, or Pippa's? 

  11. On 03/03/2024 at 16:58, Pawson said:

    Hi I have found a 1 pint brown glass beer bottle with Tennants   written in raised letters on the side times two,  and it has its original   screw top with the following written  on it. 
    Tennants Bro Ltd. Sheffield around its outer ring.

    and Exchange  W Brewery 1928 in its centre area.


    will this be the beers selling year as I have read that the Brewary opened  up in 1840 - 1860 circa so I think that rules out the opening year! 
    regards Paul Pawson.

    I have a few Tennants bottles, although tbh I know little about them. Having done a bit of digging it seems the screw top didn't come into use until late Victorian times. Judging by their advertisements in the Sheffield press, 1898 was the first year they advertised as offering bottled beer. Apparently the kind of moulding marks and lines can help date it, perhaps the 28 does, but I can't say. 

    Perhaps this site may help. 


  12. On 05/02/2024 at 15:35, Mandy Fawcett said:

    I’m looking for any information /photos on my grandparents Nellie (nee Brown) and Stuart Stagg. I believe they used to sing and play in clubs around Sheffield. Nellie’s stage name was Joyce Shelton. (We think) They divorced and I believe Nellie/Joyce married a Clifford Bate. My mum and her brothers were put into care at an early age so don’t have many memories but would love to hear from anybody that does. It’s a long shot as I’m  talking about the 40’s /50’s 🫤. My uncle said he’d seen a photograph in a working man’s club many many years ago of them. I wonder if it’s still aroundsomewhere.  Many thanks Mandy 

    I've had a look at the genealogy and Stuart Stagg seems to have come from quite a big family, so there's a chance of progressing that side, but Clifford Bate and Nellie are proving hard to find apart from their marriage. I would suggest you order a marriage certificate for them, that might well open a few doors. 

  13. 13 hours ago, Longcol said:

    Interesting - wonder if the house (built 1903  as far as I can see from google street view) was built on the proceeds of a winning bet (or bets) on the gee-gee.

    I've known a lot of builders over the years and I've got to say they were more likely to name it after a famous racehorse than a small church in France. 

  14. 10 hours ago, hillsbro said:

    That's interesting, sadbrewer. Being interested in family history (especially since I learned that my great-grandmother Ann Robinson, née Beresford was descended from Sir Thomas Beresford, who fought at Agincourt in 1415!) I did the same sort of online research 10-15 years ago, with pretty much the same result.  I'm sure that the Pierrepoint and Pierrepont people are distantly related, the difficulty being in establishing a link in this case!

    But the belief in Sheffield that William Pierrepont of Sheffield was related to Albert Pierrepoint the executioner is more recent than any putative family connection, being based on simple confusion of the two surnames. I doubt very much that William the greengrocer would have claimed to be related to Albert the hangman!

    I would agree Hillsbro... I dogged it back to the earliest census records available and I'm 99% certain they are the same family, it would need a match on Ancestry to prove it beyond doubt or access to parish records that are not online.  There is though a definite Attercliffe connection, Wilfred Fowler, the Attercliffe man convicted of the murder of William Plummer during the Sheffield gang wars was hanged by Albert Pierrepoint. 

  15. On 13/12/2023 at 13:13, hillsbro said:

    Quite right - the spelling is different - the executioner was Albert PierrePOINT and the shop was owned by William PierrePONT (1905-79) and there does not seem to be a connection. Here is a link to one of several old threads on the subject!

    I did some genealogy on it Hillsboro, they are almost certainly related but several generations before.. but the spelling had  changed. 


    Having had a few minutes to check the genealogy,  I'm reasonably certain they are related, the fact that the name is slightly different is irrelevant, names changed over the years almost accidentally...most people were illiterate and would just say their name to the curate or vicar and he would spell it as he thought fit.

        I have traced 'our' Pierrepont back to William Pierrepont born 1817 and a small area in Nottinghamshire, on checking Albert Pierrepoint descendant's trees...they are throwing up the same area, but dont have William in the tree...I think it is almost proven that they were related, but that the actual shared Grandparent is back in the 18th century, possibly not within a 100 years of either Albert or William's birth."

  16. On 06/12/2023 at 20:35, echo beach said:

    Yes beer was cheaper in the Tap Room because it was tapped straight from the barrel.

    In other pub rooms it was often served from bottles and, therefore, more expensive.




    I've got to say that's not my experience at all, I've been drinking 50 years and I've never seen a pub up north selling its main draught beer straight from the cask or main service in bottles. The extra cost was for the superior fixtures and fittings in the 'best' side and sometimes waiter service. 

      I have though seen both down south although not necessarily in relation to tap room and lounge side. 

  17. 8 hours ago, Runningman said:

    There was no connection with that family and the family of the executioner

    I'm sure there was a post on here years ago with that information

    As you say there was a thread on here not that long since. They were related from a couple of generations previously, although the spelling had developed slightly differently... which isn't unusual in genealogy. 

  18. On 21/09/2023 at 14:18, Organgrinder said:

    It damn well isn't end of story.

    How did we know who wanted Brexit,  until we had the referendum which was called by  a TORY Prime Minister  -  not Labour.

    None of you are going to get away with blaming Labour for Brexit and I don't even like todays Labour and will not vote for them but I do like the truth.


    OG, I certainly get the point you are trying to make, that Brexit wasn't Labour or Lib Dem policy...  however it seems forgotten now but the fact is that in 2015 the Labour Party supported the holding of the referendum, and voted in The European Union Referendum Act  for it to happen.. as did the Lib Dems, only the Scot Nats opposed it.

    " The proposals were contained in the Conservative Party manifesto for the 2015 general election; the Labour and Lib Dem parties had also made previous election manifesto commitments to an EU referendum but no commitment was made by these parties to the holding of any such referendum in the event they won the 2015 general election.[10] On the Bill's second reading, on 9 June 2015, MPs voted by 544 to 53 in favour of the principle of holding a referendum with only the Scottish National Party opposing the Bill,[11] and by 316 votes to 53 on its third reading in the Commons on 7 September 2015.[5]"

  19. On 19/09/2023 at 23:45, Organgrinder said:

    No point reading the rest.     Who's policy was it then because Labour tried to avoid it by calling for a second referendum,   and the Lib Dems said they would take us straight back in.

    You get worse every day for denying the truth.     Just look up who each of the Brexit gang were and tell us one by one which party they belonged to.


    The Labour Party position wasn't a second referendum at the time though, that came in the 2019 manifesto. In 2017 the position was to respect the result of the referendum, reject a hard Brexit and have Parliament vote on the deal Labour would negotiate.  The 2019 manifesto position was for a further referendum on Labour's deal, with Remain as an option. 

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