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Everything posted by Dave2008

  1. Apologies for the no-show last night Jaap.... Dave
  2. Hi Jaap and Paul, Is it too late for tuesday? If not can you sign me up please? Dave
  3. Can I come on Tuesday Paul? Barring any disasters happening I will definately be able to make it this time! Dave
  4. Hi Jaap, Can you unsign me for tonight mate, sorry its short notice but a slight issue has cropped up and Iv got nowhere to live! Iv reluctantly decided to sacrifice tonights badminton to sort this problem out! Dave
  5. Happy New Year to the Club! Dont need a lift thanks Pook, the extra exercise will do some good, was just wondering incase of the unlikely event of being late!
  6. At last- back to normal Badminton! Can you sign me up for 6th of Jan please! Dave By the way, does anyone know the buses from Crookes to Pondsforge!?
  7. Hi Jaap, Could you un-sign me for tonight, Im not feeling great. Have a top Christmas, see you next year! Dave
  8. Il have a crack at the 23rd please guys. Dave
  9. I was quite looking forward to the night.....and then I stumble across this thread! Dave
  10. Hi Jaap, Despite an exceptionally poor session last night, can you put me down for next tuesday? Dave
  11. Hi Jaap, Il go for the late one next week if possible mate? Dave
  12. Hi Jaap, Due to being too knackered to get out of bed the next day, I would like to go for the early session next tuesday please! Dave
  13. Hi guys, Back in town next week and will give the late session a crack please, Dave ps: Job applications suck
  14. Blimey! I thought I would get in early and put my name down....seems like everyone had the same idea! Is there any room left for next week!? Dave
  15. Hiya, Can you sign me for Tuesday please?! No worries if not. Dave
  16. Im up for tuesday please Jaap, Thanks, Dave
  17. Hi Paul & Jaap, Hope Im not too late for tuesday- can you count me in? Dave
  18. Hi Guys, Can I play this Tuesday if its not too late to sign up? Dave
  19. Top day yesterday guys! Was absolutley knackered when I went to bed last night, woke up at 9.25 this morning- should of been sat in work at 8.45! Try explaining that one! "Well I was swinging around the trees in Sherwood Forest...." Dave
  20. Im up for Tuesday as well, please count me in Jaap. Dave ps: It doesnt involve camping does it?
  21. Hi Paul & Jaap, Yeah Im up for Goodwin next week, apologise for last nights no show, fell asleep again. Dave
  22. Cant believe Im 4th to sign up so early in the day as well! Thanks Jaap, Dave
  23. Hi Jaap, Sign me up for Tuesday please mate. Dave
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