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Posts posted by mr_busdriver


    I don't doubt at all that you find it hard to find employment suitable for someone of your very evident abilities and limitations. However, had you risen to the challenge and had he failed, you'd now have a very strong case to lament your situation.




    Very unfair attack on Rich, I don't know the person myself however I get the impression that he does try and for whatever reason cannot secure paid work, which I'm sure he wants to do.


    Just thank your luck stars you don't find yourself in that position

  2. i would love to train to be a nurse if i was younger but if i became unemployed i would try to look for the same job what about you mr busdriver what would you do if you became unemployed?




    By and large I am in a recession proof industry, education (provided I'm teaching in the subject area that is being funded)


    However I have fancied doing HGV, seeing a bit of the country and doing something different. I'm not saying lorry driving is easy, however its something I wouldn't mind doing, if I was ever to be out of work I would do HGV

  3. This is the ultimate question, I know of people who have decided to try their hand at a new career, only to descover that after qualification, there are no jobs.


    So what would you do? learn a trade, or get a degree, after all, should you lose your job and then try to retrain the last thing you want is to end up in debt, with a qualification thats worth nothing and find yourself no more employable than you are now

  4. The problem with teaching is that it attracts too many failed graduates, too many graduates who have micky mouse degrees who cannot secure a job after graduation, and then get onto a PGCE, simply because they have a degree.


    Too many of these failed graduates ruin childrens education, and leave them with the skills to get by in our society after they leave school.


    I had to laugh once at someone who had completed a PGCE, he said "I didn't realise I had to do so much marking" ......AAAAARRRGGGHHH "Does the marking do itself? " :loopy::loopy:


    There are many fine teachers in our schools who do a fantastic job, sadly, their achievements/good work are being watered down, by the never ending influx of newly qualified PGCE failures.

  5. I sometimes believe that some people will never ever be able to get a job through no fault of their own, some people are simply hampered with bad luck and never get any openings in life.


    Some may get a degree, be honest and still its not enough.


    I once witness a time when a number of staff had to be made redundant, and strangely, it was the hardest working members of staff that were re-deployed/made redundant. The ones who skived/surfed the internet/threw sick were rewarded with full time jobs. (this was local authority)


    I often see threads from people on SF who are unemployed and are unable to gain proper employment be ripped to shreads by others who post

  6. The EU is costing the UK a fortune, however one of the so called benefits of being in the EU was that all countrys would pull together in the event of a crisis.


    1) The current financial disaster has seen all countrys looking after their own


    2) I don't see any of our EU partners helping the British out in the most dangerous part of Afganistan


    3) I sure when there are energy shortages in th futures, we in Britian have not prepared by building large stroage facilitys, can we assume that our EU partners will help us when our lights go out.


    4) with the influx of people from Poland, we have seen a growth in "Pole Dancing", not good, perhaps the Poles could take this back to Poland.

  7. So on my route that is 1 hour long - where it costs £2.50 single (Woodhouse to town) they need less than 10 passenger per bus per hour so per house on the 25A they only need 30 passenger per hour. this does not take into account the cost from town to end of route but I assume price is same.


    Their as been many a time where I have been on a overcrowed bus (as some were missing) and therefore more than covered the cost of running the service for the next 3-4 hours.


    When i do get the 14 at night it is normally full seating (with a the odd people standing) mainly as it is the only route that serves them, this mean that they could afford to run a 25A inbetween the times that the 14 runs ie 14 on the hour and half past (as now) and then 24A 15 past and 15 to. As the custom is there.




    That idea does seem very complicated.

  8. Does the 52 now serve Loxley?


    I live in Woodhouse btw - Stradbroke (west) end not the other side where the 52 serves





    No the 52 does not serve Loxely, I just think users of the number 14 should use the number 52 (as an example) if they think that bus is better.


    When I go on holiday, I go with the holiday that serves me best, if I wanted to go skiing, I wouldn't go to Majorca in July, I can't understand why bus passengers doen't do the same, ie, use a better bus route

  9. The best team won to day, so a day in a porshe for the owls, and a day in a daewoo for the blades.


    As for the sending off (the one in the 1st half), where killgallon got sent off, in my opinion, had the player been a few inches taller, he would not have got kicked in the head, so in this case I blame the wednesday player for being such as shorta$se

  10. In the olden days if a man was hard working, a gentleman and took care of his lady, he was seen as a real man.


    Now, if he is like the above, he is seen as an oddball.


    Your modern woman (18 yrs old) likes her man to be in and out of prison, have a drug problem, not work and be a dab hand with his fists (generally against her) and will always blame herself for the violence, mad :huh:

  11. :huh:Think you need a qualification just to understand what's going on!! PTLLS,7302,FE,QTS :huh:




    The system changed as from 2008, basically the 7407 was in effect changed, and new quals were brought in.


    As I understand it, Tutors are now doing a teaching qualification with the intention of going towards a specialism such as numeracy or literacy (i may be wrong however, as I too am baffled). You get credits towards the qualification.


    I would advise anyone to tread with extreme caution when considering a career in FE, lets say a few years ago your specialism was IT, that was fine, however now with the onset of courses like ECDL, the need for actual Tutors had diminished, Tutors are now replaced with support staff, and the impact on wages is obvious.


    If ECDL can be implemented with a subject such as IT, it could easily be implemented in any other subject area, ie, a CD rom and a group of support tutors.


    I personally am baffled with the new ITQs, you are judgeed against a work related task, however where does that leave someone who doesn't have a job in a particular area? (ie catering).


    Tread very carefully with any FE career, I spent the best part of 3 years on adult teacher training. While I wrote 1000s of pages worth of assignments, nothing of any use was taught on the course (ie how do you set up a laptop and projector?).

  12. There will be a nice young man, somewhere within your circle of friends, however he will be the geeky one, that all the girls go to when they need a shoulder to cry on...........however none of the girls will date him.


    When I was a teen the more obnoxious you were the better.


    The chap you described in your opening post (off drinking with the lads and only wants his woman for when he wants her) will always be a hit with women late teens/early 20s.

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