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Buble Fan

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Posts posted by Buble Fan

  1. My wife yesterday saw a notice in the Pharmacy at Stannington advising that from July, they won't be opening on Saturdays.  I've long had doubts about this branch and how it is run.  On frequent occasions they are out of stock of medication and they take an absolute age to dispense the medicines, whilst having a social chit chat amongst themselves.


    In this day and age when retailing in general is pretty much a 7 days a week operation, they are now deciding to close altogether on Saturdays, having for years closed at 1 p.m.


    Their inefficiency has already caused me to order my own medication via Echo, where I order online and the medicines are delivered to my home, - usually more quickly than Lo's took to dispense it in person.  Some businesses just don't deserve patronage!  Do they really want to survive - or are they just running it for their own convenience.  I really do wonder.

  2. I've used Hermes to send loads of items that I sold on e-bay.  They have usually arrived within 2 days of dropping off at the shop.  I usually try to make sure I've dropped the item by midday as the collection is usually between 1 p.m and 2 p.m.  Your local shop will be able to give you an idea of the time the items are collected.

  3. Frankly all this panic buying makes my blood boil.  😡


    Don't these Neanderthals realise that if everyone shops as normal, there will be plentiful supplies for everyone.  It's just so selfish to stack their trollies with products that they don't really need right now.  It will serve them right if some of the stuff they buy rots on their shelves at home and they have to throw it away.  Obviously things like pasta and toilet rolls won't degrade over time, but fresh food will.


    The media have a lot to answer for too, enegendering panic.  Hopefully those with a little more coomon sense will refrain from the over the top behaviour and carry on as normally as possible. 

  4. The junctions on to the highway from all of the car parks are ridiculously narrow and it is clear that whoever designed the layout has made a huge mistake here. It is actually impossible for any vehicle to enter or leave the car parking areas if there is another vehicle coming in the opposite direction.


    And the OP is correct in that the poor design is causing traffic congestion now that there are more stores open on this development.


    The problem could be easily resolved by widening the junctions to / from all the car parks - but it would mean losing a few parking spaces. As there are few occasions throughout the year that the car parks are full, this should not be a problem. The question is - will the owners of the development be prepared to:


    a) recognise the problem


    b) spend the money to resolve it


    I somehow doubt it.

  5. My father who was a musician worked with Bobby on many occasions and had great respect for him. In his day on the clubs he was very good. Perhaps the part in Benidorm was not the best, but he was a great fella and when I met him he always had a good word for my father and his standard of musicianship.


    RIP Bobby.

  6. I assume these "Bright Buses" are the very very old, lime green ones that expel disgusting black smoke from their exhausts as they trundle along our roads.


    My only experience of them has been when I have been behind them in traffic. I've always wondered why they haven't been pulled in by the authorities for an emissions test, because I feel certain that they do not conform to the required standards.


    In the light of the above I cannot say I'm sorry that they will no longer be on our roads. Good riddance!

  7. Your first paragraph is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever read on this forum, and that saying something.


    I didn't say the machines in Chesterfield were on street, they were in the council car park on Saltergate.


    The Saltergate car park is a Pay On Foot car park (where you pay on return to the car park) - not Pay & Display. Pay On Foot machines can and do give change, but in a car park of several hundred spaces, only 2 or 3 pay machines are required. They cost somewhere around £14,000 each if I recall correctly from my time working in the industry. Clearly at that cost even if they were available, it would not be costs effective to use in Pay & Display car parks or on-street parking spaces.


    ---------- Post added 21-11-2016 at 12:20 ----------




    There robbing gets. If you pay a day late it goes up to £70. If you dont pay that it goes up to £105 after 14 days.


    They used to give leeway - robdogs.


    Sorry that is completely incorrect. You have 14 days to pay at the reduced rate of 50% (£35). It only goes up to £105 after at least 60 days and frequently longer than that, depending upon how promptly the formal Notice To Owner has been issued. That in itself is never issued less than 28 days after the Penalty Charge Notice has been issued. In a nutshell, there is ample opportunity to pay the discounted rate and / or appeal.

  9. My understanding is that you need to move to a different position. In theory the parking attendant should have noted your valve positions on the wheels nearest the kerb, when he / she recorded your initial position. If they have change to a different position when he / she returns, then that shows your vehicle has moved. Of course it's a moot point as to whether you have actually left the bay and returned later, but the above is the method used for recording the position of vehicles

  10. I have my car for sale on Autotrader at the moment and yesterday I received a text from a company called Carplunk. Website is Carplunk.co.uk. They have made an offer (car unseen) of close to the price I'm asking for which firstly seems very unusual from a trader. I have checked their website and there are no reviews from previous customers and also I have searched online for reviews. There are none.


    Their website also claims to have been featured by several national newspapers including the Guardian and the Daily Express. I have searched their websites but can't find any reference to this company.


    I wonder if anyone on this site has heard of or even dealt with this company?


    Thanks in anticipation of anyone's help.

  11. Contrary to what some on here have been saying, the Sainsbury's store at Wadsley Bridge is doing OK. The Store Manager keeps the staff up to date on sales on a daily basis. This is an established policy of the company. There is no way that it will be closing in the foreseeable future. In fact come the pre-Christmas period, it will probably exceed its sales targets. Added to the above, it really is the BEST place to shop as far as the overall shopping experience is concerned. Nice wide aisles, well stocked shelves, friendly staff and their policy of keeping enough check outs open to ensure queues of no more than one behind the person being dealt with, means that customers rarely have to spend time queuing. Overall a fantastic shopping experience. Lastly - there's a Toy Sale on at the moment. Parents of young children may be interested!

  12. The information on street notices (there will be one near you on a lamp post if you live in Stannington), gives a long list of streets where the reduced speed limit is intended to be introduced. It seems to cover most of the areas of the village which to me seems ridiculous.


    I am not aware that there have been a significant number of serious accidents which have caused injuries, so I can't really see why the Council think it's necessary. Also - whilst a reduced speed limit may be appropriate in the immediate vicinity of schools in the village, without enforcement it will be a waste of time. Take for example the double yellow lines near the shops, which are regularly abused by those who apparently have "cloth legs". I have never known anyone be issued with a parking ticket - probably because the village will not be a priority for enforcement.


    The speed limit proposals just seem a waste of money to me. That is unless someone can provide evidence that there has in fact been examples of accidents causing serious injuries.

  13. I lived and worked in Nottingham for over 20 years and loved it. If you make the effort with the Nottinghamshire people, they are just as friendly as Sheffield people. There are plenty of lovely places to visit in the surrounding countryside too.


    Although I live back in Sheffield now, I think both places are comparable. Sure Nottingham has it's less salubrious areas, but so does Sheffield.

  14. Cyclists who use dual carriageways even in the correct direction must have a death wish as far as I see it. Most major roads in cities are far too dangerous to use a cycle. If there are off road cycle tracks these are fine, but the speed and volume of traffic on today's roads make it a ridiculous proposition to use a bicycle. The local Council's obsession with cycle use is one I think they will ultimately regret.

  15. I can't for the life of me understand what on earth the idiot Traffic Engineers at the Council were trying to achieve here. At the very least there ought to be some proper give-way markings on the uphill side of the road, to warn drivers that they need to stop when there is oncoming traffic coming down the hill. They really have not thought this one through in any way.


    In any case it's not as if the buses needed any additional space or protection with the layout as it was before. It seems like yet another "campaign against he private car driver". "Let's make it more difficult for private motorists and give more road space to buses". What a bunch of clowns they are!

  16. Solution is parking permits for residents,exclusion for dropping of and collecting children between the appropriate hours,and a hefty fine for anyone who does not comply.

    By the way I do have a family ,and I know what its about regarding all the above


    The solution is to contact Parking Services at the Council and ask for some enforcement of the Keep Clear Zig Zags and the double yellow lines.


    Their e-mail is : - parkingservices@sheffield.gov.uk

  17. It's unbelievable to me that only 14% of people turned out to vote (or voted by post), given the amount of publicity surrounding the resignation of the previous Police Commissioner and the associated problems in Rotherham and to some extent Sheffield.


    I am pleased that the person who appeared to be the only one remotely qualified to carry out the responsibilities of this post, has been elected (irrespective of the party he represents).


    For future reference it's very easy to register for a postal vote which then makes it much easier to vote. If you have any interest in having a say in local and national elections, I recommend registering for a postal vote. If we can get a much higher turnout, maybe we can have a greater influence.

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