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nosy nellie

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Posts posted by nosy nellie

  1. I remember the hairdressing sessions,Mother was the local Hairdresser and as well as perms they used to dye their hair with Henna which was a brown smelly mud substance thenwrap their hair in brown paper.

    The perms used to take about 4 hours some had curling pins and pin curls some had clips which made waves in the hair like tramlines.It was a good excuse for a gossip and getting to know all the local scandal.I think the address was 13 court 10 Watery Lane.

  2. No I was Geoffreys age,he used to visit every Summer if I remember right I don't know where he lived but I don't think it was Sheffield as kids we used to play together all the time when he was in Sheffield.I can remember everything about Watery Lane because I loved it,but asked me what I did last week and I can't remember.

    There was a man on the other Sheffield History forum did some research tryng to locate the original newspaper article with the photogragh but no luck I have the original article but no photo.It just goes to show how people have changed they were such nice people

    proper neighbours.

    I thought you were Barbara but did not like mentioning your real name.

  3. My Grandmother was Mrs Ford,She lived next door to Elsie and Joe Hobson Elsie was Mr and Mrs Simonites daughter.

    For a while we lived next door to Elsie and Joe over the wall on the other side.

    I remember everyone who lived in the big yard.Barrie Hobson.barbara Hobson,Mr and Mrs Simmonite,Mrs Dixon,The Hayes Family and Jeffrey Simmonite when he came to visit his relations.

    There is a thread somewhere on the forum about all the families getting together for The Festival Of Britain and decorating thei houses even though were under threat of being demolished.


    If you take a look at the (one-up one-down) thread number 14.there is a newspaper article about the families and what they did for the Festival Of Britain.

  4. In the dark ages when I and a few of the other elderly forummers were taking children on buses,and believe it or not some of us did, we had to fold prams up to get on a bus.

    The thing was we had sensible buggies which would fold up and we could fold them with one hand and always have them folded before the bus arrived even with small babies and carry them on like a walking stick.

    If we had toddlers they had reigns on and if there was no room for the buggy it could if needed be held or even hooked over the seat in front,but I must say in those days any other people on the bus were only too glad to help anyone with children and babies.

    I think one of the problems these days is mothers must have these designer buggies built like tanks which are no good for buses.

    Al that is needed with a lot of the problems is a bit of common sense.

    I would like to know if anyone had an accident with falling over these prams who would be to blame,I have seen quite a few near misses.

  5. As far back as I can remember there was never any shortage of elderly people wanting these flats until the age rules were changed.

    These flats had a Friendship club,Outings for the tennants run by themselves,Bingo Clubs and Birthday party's held in the foyer which was spotless.

    My mother and her friend lived on these flats from the start and in the last years of their lifes had to endure sleepless nights, abuse, and vandalism,and watch the building they had such good times in and were happy in go to rack and ruin.

    The seating they used for their clubs was set on fire and ripped until finally it had to be taken out,which meant a lot of them did not socialise any more.

    What would have been wrong with the powers that be to spend a little money money to look after our elderly people?

  6. If you asked the few elderly residents thet still live on these flats they will tell you all the trouble started when the council lowered the age restrictions on these flats.

    Thus as soon as the younger members of society were allowed to apply for a flat it was a downward spiral to the ghetto it now is.

    This is why I blame the council.

    Another reason is the council got rid of the live in caretakers on these flats who had pride in their work and did more than their job description to make sure the residents were happy and safe.

  7. We live on fairbarn drive, it's not bad. like nosy nellie says its been quiet round here lately. It's the high rise flats on stannington road where the trouble normally is. Well it must not be too bad here my mum left the car keys in the boot of the car all night and they were still in the same place the following morning!


    Quite right Plantpot,All the trouble seems to be centered around the shops and multi story flats which used to be a lovely place for the more mature members of society, but the council in their wisdom as usual have turned these flats into a ghetto where the elderly now don't want to live and cannot get out fast enough.

    The trouble is most of the elderly members of our society are now too old and infirm to go to the trouble of moving to another home and so they now have got to end their days surrounded by drunks, drug takers and all the other social misfits.

    And the council don't give a damn.

    It is about time the social workers and the doogooders concentrated on careing for the elderly instead of the no hopers who do not appreciate what is being done for them.

  8. The same thing has happened to the Multi storey flats at Stannington they used to be lovely flats occupied by older people.they had meetings.bingo.trips and friendship clubs in the foyer was comfortable seating which was used by the residents to go and have a chat.

    Now the flats are inhabited mainly by undesirables the like of which are mentioned above.

    So over the last few years all the elderly have had to move if they want to spend the rest of their lives in the peace and comfort they deserve and all the flats that were kept lovely by the elderly tennants have now gone to rack and ruin.

    Soon Sheffield Council Housing Estates will all be slums some are not far off now.

  9. They Did It!!!!

    Well done to all the Customers Staff and fabulous hard working Charity Commitee of The Rivelin who today even in all this bad weather managed to raise Four Thousand Five Hundred pounds for Weston Park Hospital.

    A wonderful crowd of people who finished the celebrations with singing dancing and raising the roof what a great atmosphere this pub has.:thumbsup::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:






    ENDING THE FUN DAY WITH OUR FAMOUS RIVELIN GRAND AUCTION.:love::banana::partyhat::partyhat:

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