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Janet Olsen

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Posts posted by Janet Olsen

  1. Wow you talk about a time warp 15 or 16 years ago. That frightened me because I actually remember going out to the Haychatter 40 years ago on a Saturday night or Sunday lunch. Didn't know it has closed but having been in Oz for almost 40 years I can surely be forgiven for that. It is so sad to know so many of the good old pubs have now closed. It was always one thing I missed about living in the UK or more to the point Yorkshire. Happy memories though of the Chatters.

  2. Hi

    Yes our surname was also Dyson but not related to Peter. My brother became a hairdresser but I think Peter is thinking about my cousin John (Dyson) who was in the RAF for many years. Give Peter my regards & could you please tell him I was in the UK this year & met up with Maggie Davies also from Spink Hall. It was lovely to revisit.



  3. I worked on reception & was the telephonist for a couple of years. The telephonist job then went to a guy who was blind Eric was his name. I continued to work in reception firstly with Pat Goddard, then Rita Fewkes. Mr. Adam Machattie was the General Manager. Girls who worked there were Christine (office) Beryl (office) Girls in the depts that I can remember were Cindy Winn Biggin (knitwear) Audrey Ryder (shoes) Mona Pengally a lady called Heather. Guys who worked there were John Greaves Tom Travis a guy in electrical called Alan. David Brough Heaps more people. It was a good place to work .

  4. Hi Bill

    Yes thats me. Have been chatting to Phil via email & have so many memories of all the good times we had together. As you can see I now live in Oz. Jean recently visited & we had a ball. Trouble is we are now in our 60's but think we are still 16. Would love to talk more can you PM yet? I sent you a personal one yesterday. Get back to me soon please

    Would love tp hear more & have a funny story to tell you.

    Great to have made contact.

  5. I used to work at Bradford Woollen in the 60's & know a lot of people mentioned in this thread. The brothers were Denis & Eric & yes they did have personal number plates DS 1 & ES 1. I have some very happy memories of BW & am still in touch with one of the girls I used to work with we are both in our 60's now. The Swycher brothers were hard task masters to work for but I also found them fair & very profesional in their dealings. We always used to have a great christmas party which everyone used to look forward too. I also remember Mr. Hartley there was also a Mr. Ray Turner & a Mr Adam Mchattie who I believe died quite a young man. It was a great place to work actually & people seemed to be friends inside work & also outside work. My memories of working there are all good.

  6. So glad you mentioned Boyton Street. My grandparents used to own the shop at the top of Boyton Street. I was born in 1949 & remember goingto the shop as a child . It was right at the top of the hill & must have been at the end of a row as the back yard to the living accomodation from memory had other houses in it. I think it was also an off licence. My grandparents were called Dyson. My aunt & Uncle also lived on Artisan View for many years & there name was also Dyson. I visited the UK 10 years ago & tried to find my way to both those places only to find they had been demolished I have no idea when that happened.

  7. I bet there are many Newfield Girls from the 1960's who will remember playing hockey on the sports oval wearing only the bottle green knickers we had to wear & an equally horrible bottlegreen T shirt. Didnt matter if it was snowing or not out we went in our knickers & T shirts. It was so painful if you got a hit from a hockey stick on the leg or ankle when it was so cold. We used to get "hotaches"

    I have often thought about this in my ....senior years & wonder if it still applies but obviously there is now a better sports uniform.

    Whats the saying"we wre tough in those days, we used to eat quiche"

    We must have been tough or brutalised by todays standards.

  8. Hi Jack

    Cant help very much I am afraid because after the Lizards & Square Circles I didnt see any of the guys after they became Bitter Suite. I am pretty sure from memory though that there wasnt adrummer with either of those groups. So perhaps someone with more knowledge of Bitter Suite can help. It would have been late 60's I refer too Jack.

    Talking about vivid memories of the KING Mojo Chris Farlow was one of my very clear memories & Barry Marshall used to do an equally fantastic job of singing " Out Of Time". I also remember Ike & Tina as a great night & what about .




    Totally agree about the no alcohol at the club too, I cant remember the name of the pub we used to get a pass out of the club & visit but it was just down the road & no one stayed long because the club was too good to miss.

    Another memory was Rod Stewart he was there on a few occassions wasnt , not changed much full of himself even back then & fowl mouthed.

    Did like his music though. Spencer Davies another good night or three.

    Could go on for ever. Stringfellow certainly had an ear for the "up & comings "didnt he

  9. Hi Jack Hewitt

    My apologies for not calling the club by its correct name & yes it sure was called the KING MOJO CLUB & Pete always refered to it as just that. My memories of Karen are clear, but she was just a tiny little girl back then. She was occassionally brought to the club ,not allowed to stay long as she would only have been 3 or 4 years old (pretty little blonde girl who obviously adored her dad...didnt we all). haha. We are talking more than 40 years ago. It seems like yesterday to all we old Mojo clubbers though, because those times were so good we are stuck in a bit of a time warp about it all I think. I always considered we were so lucky to have been teenagers in the 60's living in the UK & for us living in Sheffield, we were even luckier as we had the Mojo ....sorry KING MOJO CLUB. Say what you like about Stringfellow, I always say he was the best thing since sliced bread for Sheffield teens. No doubt I will cop some flack for that, but speak as you find & personally I think he was fantastic & I almost lived at the KING MOJO CLUB.

  10. Hi BobillyYes this is the Janet that had the mini & I used to work at the Travellers. I was devastated to hear John had been killed many years ago.I remember the Trevor you mentioned (curly blondish hair). Surprised to hear you had moved to Grimsby but hey why not? I moved to Australia haha.

    Ask Barrie if he remembers a friend of Lewis's that was in the RAF called Clive Shepherd?

    We used to have some good times in the Travellers. Wonder what ever became of Henry & Esme that ran it, then there was Cyril & Joyce. Gee thas all back in the sisties isnt it? Hope you & Barrie had a good life, he was a good "GUY"

    Cheers Janet

  11. janet, brisbanes full of bannana benders and you know it .stop misleading people ,queensland only starts to get civilized when you get to cook town .they should go to sydney work there, then fly to byron ,then cook town..sorted


    So another person just trying to stop people coming to Queensland shame on you John, just because we live such a wonderful life here in the sunshine with employment & beaches & BBQ's & good entertainment admit our hospital system leaves a lot to be desired but ...

    Its a bit selfish of you John wanting to stop other people having the great life we banana benders have here there is plenty of Qld to go around.

  12. I live just outside Brisbane & its a lovely place to live. The city centre is modern & busy. Plenty of night life if required. Many many places near by to visit if you are looking for beaches etc: Theme parks & of course only just over an hour drive to the gold coast & similar distance to the lovely sunshine coast. I have been in just about all major cities in Australia & Brisbane is one of the best. Really is a lovely place to live.


    Janet Olsen

  13. I saw my first ever movie at Stocksbridge picture palace (Stocksbridge born & bred) The film was called Sandy gets a gun. Does anyone remember "Uncle Bernard"? He was the manager of the pictures in the early 1950's, His name was Mr Bernard Doors from memory. I have spent many happy hours at the pictures there in the days when they had usherettes, who showed you to your seats & shone the torch for you to see where you were going if you went out early or came in late. Or if you were a bit of a larakin & made any noise they would come & shine the torch on you. I do hope the cimena has been preserved.

    Janet Olsen

  14. If this offence is serious enough to go to trial (if it got that far) & I assume it is serious when you say one of your family ended up having an operation. If you plead not guilty which in your case you probably would from the sound of it. Your previous record cannot be mentioned to any one on a jury unless they found you guilty & even then for it to have any effect on your sentence it would have to be previous of a similar nature. So from what you have said it sounds as though what everyone else is saying is possibly the way to go.

    Good luck

  15. Hi Notlob

    Would love to hear more of the Durrant family too if you have any further information, I knew Bill Snr quite well & his son Bill Junior as well, I used to knock around with them Barry Gerry Phil Bill they also had a Rd manager called Sid he drove a yellow convertable ????cant quite remember what it was but I know we used to have lots of fun before the days of drink driving, out to Llathkilldale hotel & other haunts out there. They were all good guys as well as good musicians. Barry married a lovely girl called Glyn & they had a daughter Suzzanna (I used to babysit for them some times). Wonder what happened to Allan Dale I used to love hearing him sing Duke of Earl & he hated singing it. Wow just thinking this was all at least 40 odd years ago.But there again so was the Mojo Club & we still talk about that.

    Robert King Allstars does ring a bell, what area did you live in as a teenager? I am wondering if I know you.

    I do remember an allstars band but cant remember who's (well I am 60).

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