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rainbow sky

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Posts posted by rainbow sky

  1. Have you asked the current owner of the house you are interested in, they may know when it was built on and if there was any planning permission involved. We had an extension added to our previous address and had to notify neighbours in case they had any objections.


    At the end of the day, if they got permission you would have to live with it and if they did not, you could end up getting involved in a lengthy planning problem and then have to live next door to them, if it was me I would walk away.

  2. Wouldn't touch Saxton Mee with a bargepole. My friend's house has been up for sale for over 3 YEARS and it's still not sold. Although my friend would like to take it off the market with them, they have been told if they do this, they will have to pay Saxton Mee a few hundred pounds but my friend doesn't think they have earned the money so doesn't want to pay it Stalemate really


    We have just sold ours in April with Saxton, and had no problems at all. Also the year before we had ours advertised with Saxton but the owner of the house we were buying pulled out at last minute and we decided to remove ours from market, Saxton never asked for a penny from us, we had already paid for advertising up front but they never asked for anything else.

  3. Perhaps not but you'd know how to google or trip advisor for your research. You'll be asking the forum where you've put your bin bags next


    What is with all the negativity?:huh:


    Are you going to post the same thing to every other forum member who asks for suggestions, is this not one of the points of a forum.


    If you don't have any suggestions for me then why do you feel the need to butt in and make negative comments, are you that bored?:rant:

  4. The Montgomery hotel ( used to be the nether edge hotel ) has just been completely refurbished and is under new management. Its great and very near the city centre with loads of free parking. Food is all home made . We had friends stay there a couple of weeks ago and they were very pleased. Reasonably priced too


    This one is excellent, looks lovely, in an area I know well, not too far from town, this is exactly what I was looking for.:D


    Many thanks

  5. Well you are a bit ..............if you feel that way.I will let you insert your own word.I am not negative as I replied with an excellent suggestion;by contrast you rejected my advice which is hardly positive.


    Ow for goodness sake, I rejected your suggestion as it was too far away from town, as I have already explained. Yes our family have a car but I don't drive.


    Anyway can we please just put this to rest now, thank you.

  6. If it is NHS you will have a lot of resistance to having a c section unless there is a medical need. Is this your first baby and why are you looking into delivering by c section out of interest?


    I had one baby by c section and the second via the more traditional route LOL - I recovered much quicker with my second baby.


    I was complete opposite to you, 1st was natural and 2nd emergency section, I recovered much better after section, at least I was able to sit down after birth unlike natural birth when I couldn't sit down comfortably for over 2 weeks!!!!!

  7. Move all completed. Removal company were great, really helpful and quick. Had to put some over-sized items into temporay storage so used 'Big Yellow'. A bit paper intensive when booking but got a discount so all seems good for now!

    Has anyone seen my kettle though? Must be in one of those hundreds of boxes, somewhere.......I might be some time,


    Classic mistake,lol. Very first thing our removers told us "don't pack your kettle", lol

  8. We moved 5 weeks ago from Sheffield to Scotland. We used Pickfords and had their full packing service, we did have to pay the full amount up front but only a few days before move.


    Everything went well on day, and we ended up with only a couple of minor damages which they are paying for.

  9. Rang number suggested by "matssundin13", for the first time in 2 weeks I didn't get message saying I would be charged for this call, so fingers crossed it has worked, thanks for that. I just wish I had know about this number earlier the amount of 0800 calls I have had to make from my mobile this week!!


    Gas engineer coming back out on wednesday morning to look at timer switch.

  10. We have recently moved house and have had British gas out to do check on boiler and heating, everything was fine apart from the controls for the heating, these are located on the bottom of the boiler (combi)and are a bit fiddly, you have to push in silly plastic bits to set times.

    I asked the gas man if he could fit a separate control switch like I had in my old house. He has fitted an EMT2 timer switch but for some reason the dial does not move round in line with current time so although I have got times set the dial does not turn round, therefor the only way for me to get heating on and off is to turn the dial manually!!!


    Anyone got any ideas what's wrong?


    I have had a bill in for £100 for the supply and fit of the timer but am not going to pay for it until I know what's wrong with it.


    I would phone British Gas myself and ask but we have not got our landline connected yet and my last call to them from my mobile cost me a fortune as they keep you waiting for ages.


    I would be grateful for any help thanks.

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