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Posts posted by Pooch_1

  1. As I was already clearly across the line and turning right BEFORE the person coming toward me accelerated, I felt that they should have just waited the extra second and allowed me to complete.


    The oncoming driver probably accelerated because he obviously assumed that you would conform to the rules of the highway code, and give priority to oncoming traffic. ----- Enough said. :roll:

  2. As I see this, You positioned your vehicle to make a right turn. When the lights changed to green, you proceeded to make your right turn, whilst the traffic in the opposing lane. intending to go straight ahead, had also started to move.:nono::nono: I suggest that you get yourself a copy of the highway code. At any junction, light controlled or otherwise, If you are turning right across oncoming traffic, then they have priority and you must wait. I can understand the driver giving you a few abusive words, as I would have done if you tried to turn right across my path. :loopy:

  3. When you say add keywords, I assume you mean in the meta tag? If so, I'm being told that Google no longer looks at the keyword Meta tag data for SEO purposes focusing more on site optimisation (keyword density) and the quality and relevance of in bound links (but of course it will do no harm putting keywords in the Tag).


    Anybody got any views on this?


    Hmmmm, I use google webmaster tools and analytics for my websites optimisation, every month they display the relevance of the keywords I am using in my meta tags, according to the number of searches performed, and click throughs. I then replace the keywords that are not performing well, or, just add keywords that are performing better according to google's keyword research tool. :)

  4. Teut doesn't get out much... not since the geriatric crime wave hit him and he lost his double-basket featured bike, two tea-towels and four pegs. :shakes:


    SSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHH He was out doing his PI (Private Investigator) duty to try and catch the perpetrators of the serious crime, (sorry, very serious crime), the theft of two towels and four clothes pegs by two persons unknown, wearing balacalavas. If you see the two perpetrators, please apprehend them and then PM teuton, who I am sure will reward you handsomely.

  5. Does anybody know anyone that can help me out with SEO or know of any companies in Sheffield that could help me out with SEO for my website?


    I feel like I've taken the site as far as I can SEO wise and don't really know what more I can do to climb Google.


    I'm only a student and can't afford a lot of the services that are available, even the cheapest ones! I understand SEO is a time consuming service and a costly one which is why it's so difficult for me to take the next step.


    Or if anyone knows of any seminars or lectures about SEO?


    You need to add keywords, also a different description on everypage, if you use the same description, the search engines will treat the pages as duplicates and you will lose rank points. Also you have a lot of white space in the body section. Also a sitemap.xml and robot.txt would be nice, as mentioned above, google webmaster tools can prove to be invaluable at times.

  6. Hi,


    I'm trying to get a rough cost for website design - anyone know where to start?


    I'd be looking at a site to host an online fiction magazine, so don't imagine it'd be too complex. Though as I'm no web designer, I have no real idea.


    I'm thinking of a site with a home page, about us, submission guidelines, contact details, forum (maybe) and archive pages for holding the actual magazine content.


    Only looking for a very rough figure at the moment - anyone else with experience of needing a website, your comments are most welcome.




    If I was you, I would go for Wordpress, you can download it free,HERE they do magazine templates for free as well, and everything is set up for you in the script. All you need to provide is a hosting company, and your domain name. Make sure the hosting company has cpanel and fantastico or ruby on rails to automatically install Wordpress for you. Or alternatively you could get free hosting HERE. These offer free hosting with no adverts, unlimited bandwidth, and oceans of web space, and they do their own blog designs. It is very simple to build a professional looking website with their drag and drop tools, no html, css, java or seo knowledge required, they even add keywords for you.

  7. Lamb Spirals With Goat Cheese Ravioli


    4 four-ounce Lamb Paillardes - (5"x5"x1/8"),See Directions

    1/8 c garlic, roasted

    1/8 c pine nuts, roasted

    2 T olive oil

    4 pieces string

    1 pn salt, to taste

    1 pn black pepper, Fresh Ground -to taste

    32 won-ton wrappers

    1 c goat cheese

    1 T fresh Italian parsley - chopped

    1 pn black pepper, Fresh Ground

    1/2 c veal glaze

    1 T fresh savory, chopped

    1 T pink peppercorns

    2 c beurre blanc, See Recipe


    NOTE: A "paillarde" is a piece of meat that has been pounded flat before cooking.



    Prepare the Lamb-- Prepare each paillarde of lamb by pounding a 4ounce portion between waxed paper until 5-inches by 5-inches by 1/8 inch thick.


    Place the lamb pieces flat on a cutting board. Mix roasted garlic with roasted pine nuts and 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a blender until smooth. Season with a pinch of salt and pepper and spread evenly on lamb. Roll the lamb into spirals, making four separate portions. Tie the string around the lamb to hold the spiral in shape.


    Season and set aside.



    Prepare the Ravioli-- Mix goat cheese with Italian parsley and a

    pinch of pepper. Place a dab of cheese mixture into the center of the wonton

    wrapper. Wet the edges of the wrapper, fold and securely pinch the edges




    Prepare the Beurre Blanc-- See the recipe for "Beurre Blanc for

    Lamb Spirals" in this cookbook.



    Final Assembly-- Charbroil the lamb spirals to Medium Rare.

    Remove string and slice into 20 pieces (5 slices per lamb spiral). Cook the ravioli in boiling water until done. Toss ravioli with Beurre Blanc and place in center of four plates. Place five lamb spirals around inner rim of each plate, sauce the meat with veal glaze, and garnish the ravioli with savory and pink peppercorns and serve.

  8. But it is. You specifically claimed that voting in the Tory party meant people would have to work until 66 instead of 65. That claim is false; most people are going to have to work until 68, regardless of who wins this election.


    This is true ... Depending on the year you was born, I think after 1965 (I may be wrong with this date) Everyone would have to work a year longer.

    So if you were born in 1965, you would have to work until age 66 male, and age 61 female.


    If you were born in 1966, then you would have to work until you was aged 67 male, 62 female.


    And so on............

  9. Errm, motorists don't pay road tax - you'd have to have a footwear excise duty instead to be comparable. You should perhaps let people going barefoot be exempt from that as well.





    Errm, motorists don't pay road tax
    What is that little round disc I purchase at great expense every year for my car, if it isn,t road tax???


    Oh no ...... People walking about barefooted would incur a very heavy penalty for dangerous walking. If they stood on a sharp object, they could leave pools of blood which other pedestrians (wearing the correct footwear) could slip in and hurt themselves, causing more pools of blood, which other pedestrians (wearing the correct footwear) could slip in and hurt themselves, causing more pools of blood, which other pedestrians (wearing the correct footwear) could slip in and hurt themselves, causing more pools of blood, and it goes on and on, so you can see the need to heavily penalise barefooted pedestrians.

  10. As I said before - wish I had a penny for every time someone had claimed their dog to be friendly and harmless.

    When a dog attacks a child the owner invariably claims that dog has been around children and never harmed anyone before. Very sociable animal etc etc.


    If I am out with the dogs then I make sure no child comes near them. My responsibility is for the safety of the child - whoever the child may be.


    Like me, A responsible dog owner ...... Well said. :)




    I have read your thread.

    To me it seems more about the child approaching a dog inappropriatly .

    Not about a dog running up to a child and scaring it and then being told by the dog owner 'dont worry it's only it's only playing'


    Not at all stewpot, irresponsible dog owners do let their dogs run around loose, terrifying adults as well as children. And as DragonofAna said

    If I am out with the dogs then I make sure no child comes near them".
    . And these would be the children of irresponsible parents, who have never taught their child/ren not to approach dogs.


    However, I am pleased and proud to say that my dogs never growled or snarled at, or bit any child or adult, nor did they run up to people, because they were trained not to. So unfortunately, no pennies are coming your way from me. :hihi:

  11. Here comes my twopenneth .... :) I am a dog lover, I used to have 2 german shepherds, I also love children, and I, like most dog owners are, am a responsible dog owner, and both my dogs were docile, and good around children because they were brought up and trained in the family enviroment. Now if these neighbours of yours are druggies, crackheads and have the dogs to protect their little empire and to make themselves look big and hard, then I would say that there was indeed a risk element there, because they obviously mistreat and train their dogs to be vicious. Also if the neighbours dogs are working dogs that have been trained to hunt, or are trained security dogs, then there would also be an element of risk. OK, having said that, toddlers are an element of risk in their own right. As mentioned previously in this thread, a 3 year old would not be able to read and understand a beware of the dog sign, just as a dog would not be able to read and understand a beware of the child sign. I am sure that we have all seen toddlers, out with their parents, or other family members, especially in parks, the toddler sees a dog, and instinctively makes a run or a grab for it, and we know how hard and painful a childs grasp can be, and a toddler will go for the most interesting parts, ie ears, tail, fluffy coat, or they will launch themselves at the dog, grab an handful of fur and skin, and attempt to pick the dog up, just because they want to cuddle it. All the dog feels is pain, and it will do one of 3 things, it will (a) - Yelp, and startle the child into letting go, (b) - Growl and Snarl, again startling the child into letting go © - Retalliate by biting the child. It is up to the parents to be responsible also, and teach their child/ren not to approach, run at, grab, or, startle any type of dog, whether the dog is small, medium or large. :)

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