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Posts posted by princess01

  1. It's very unlikely that your house has no air bricks at all, but they may be under floor level or hidden by cupboards or similar. Blocked up chimneys often have an air brick in them too. There are air bricks on the front wall under floor level in my house, and in the kitchen behind 2 of the cupboards.


    You can enhance ventilation whether you have air bricks or not though, by:


    leaving windows open where possible, if only on the 'ventilation setting' that most modern windows have,


    not drying laundry on racks or radiators around the house unless you have the window open and a fan directing the air to the open window,


    taking care when cooking to always put the lid on pans and open the kitchen window when draining things which have been boiled or steamed,


    also opening the window if you empty the dishwasher or tumble dryer- you'd be amazed how much steam is released,


    ventilating bathrooms very carefully after showers or baths.



    You could have a check on the relative humidity levels by buying a hygrometer which is intended for use in insect and snake tanks. Well ventilated homes generally run at about 40-50% humidity in the air. Much more than that and you're at risk of mould, algae and damp issues. My thermometer and hygrometer cost only a fiver.


    Thanks i'll get one of them!

    do you think a humidifer would also help!

  2. Bleach is good, you can also buy mildew cleaner from the supermarket. Wear a mask when cleaning - mould can be very bad for the chest. It is possible the house has a ventilation problem - check the airbricks are clear and also be careful of moisture from drying laundry, cooking and showering.


    The house does not have air bricks, it does have cavity wall insulation.

  3. Thanks spiritangel and stressconsul. The house we live in is quite old and it's really big. It's hard to heat and i don't think it's very well insulated. I think we are going to look for somewhere else to live when the lease ends in July but it'll be quite hard to find somewhere big enough for all our furniture that will let us keep our pets too! We have a large dog and two rats!! It's a shame really as it's such a lovely house and perfect for us in every way (apart from the mould, obviously!)


    If it's private rented hun, you need to contact the landlord, damp proofing is there resonsablilty...... you should'nt be living like that.....

  4. sorry to hear you found yourself in a situation like this, but there will be plenty more in this position next year. you will also not get much sympathy on here regarding claiming hb (according to some on here your lower than a snakes belly). i do hope you find somewhere with a decent landlord (but looking at the landlords on here god help you ) i hope you get sorted for the new year


    thank you, thats very kind. hope you have a great new year!

  5. to be fair though if you have a deposit and couple of months rent up front you shouldn't need to declare that you are recieving housing benefit. Just pay up and say you lost your job. they can't kick you out, just claim, get the money paid into your account, you pay the landlord and they are none the wiser.


    yeah i have a bond and mths rent maybe i should lol!

  6. I have recently had to apply for housing benefit, due to my marriage breakdown, and having to give up work to look after my little boy who is being tested for autisum, i have worked all my adult life. I am having to move out of my rented house and am looking for somewhere else to live. I have seen a few that would suit us, but Why is it that they always put NO DSS.


    If you recieve DSS you can get the rent paid straight to the lanlord, so surley i would be more suitable to someone who is not DSS.


    It just makes me so mad!!! :rant::rant:

  7. i was employed to work 9-1, and i would like to change to 9-12, i work in creche/nursery so i can bring him to work with me which i do now, then leave at 12 to get him home have some lunch and take him to school at 12.50. i wasn'nt aware of the flexable hours things will employers.

    i dont think it's to much to ask the creche closes at 12pm and i only do the extra hour in the nursery to cover dinners!

  8. My little boy has just started nursery school in the afternoon's. My currant job will not let me change my hours to suit with the school times, so i am having to leave. I've thought about childminders and family but as my little boy has learning difficulites he does not like change and i would no put it upon another person to go though his tempers he sometimes has.

    To get back to the point. . .. . . i am looking for a little partime job whilst he is at school, just so i'm not unemployed, but there's nothing out there unless it's evening work.... does anyone know where i can look to find jobs like these?

  9. Well its about time you learnt to co0k your own curry-its rather easy and far less greasy than the take-aways.Then you wont need to order the same mealand can escape future trauma.Did you know my electrisity is slower than usual and I jhave had to listn to the 6 o clock news at 1817.I am writing aletter to the YEB about this and will mention your curry at the same time.


    We were ordering as a treat for my daughter, as we had a car accident and she was very brave, we asked her what she wanted and that's what she chose from the menu's we had trough the door, we rarely have take aways!!!

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