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Everything posted by davlow4

  1. Are you related to Basil Rathbone, the actor who played Sherlock Holmes in 40's films?
  2. I can tolerate ugly buildings such as Brown Baileys, Dunford Hatfields, et al, but these were representative of this Cities magnificence, its' standing in the world. All demolished, places in which I was proud to have worked, and what do we offer in their place as monuments to our achievements? Park Hill Flats! Do me a favour!
  3. It will still be as ugly as it was before.
  4. I am sending a copy of this to John Cleese. who. I am told, is quite litigious.
  5. Thank you! At last a reasonable answer to a reasonable question! As far as I can see, the architectural interest extends to the post-Georgian era concept, 'build 'em as fast as you can, and cram as many as you can'. I can see no redeeming feature to this building other than the one put forward by yourself, i.e. Do not repeat this mistake. That isn't an argument that will bear any examination. The residents of this area should not have to bear the brunt of the errors of someone who is probably living a life of luxury in the Carribean
  6. I agreed because 1) it had a Medical Alert System, 2)I have MS and my daughter wanted me to be nearby so she could look after me. 3) I recently suffered a severe head injury and could no longer manage in my previous accomodation. Now, If vilifying me is the only contribution you have to offer on the subject in hand, I suggest you find a less demanding site upon which to contribute your views.
  7. It appears I haven't been clear enough in my earlier replies. This isn't something I've just thought about. I became interested in this when my daughter moved into the area over twenty years ago, and even then the flats were regarded as a blot on the landscape. My dissatifaction is with the wishy-washy councillors who are forever changing their minds about what to do with the place. The majority of opinion, in the area concerned, is that they should be demolished. The LibDems said they would do it if elected into power.They appear to have changed their minds. My opinion is, if they keep on dithering, we, the people who live here, should make every effort to force the Council to keep to the promises they made when seeking election.
  8. 'Brilliant architecture'? Is this your idea of facetiousness? If it is, I can give you another example;- 'it fills the view from my living room window.' Calling me names is unbecoming and has no place in this discussion. Furthermore, I didn't actually choose it, I agreed to it.
  9. Doesn't anyone recognise 'tongue in cheek' anymore?
  10. No, I didn't give it a seconds thought. I moved here because this accommodation has a Medical Alert System, Park Hill was the last thing on my mind at that time.
  11. Yes, it is. I want to know how I can start the neccessary procedure to have it delisted and destroyed.
  12. Quite simply, to get it torn down as soon as is humanly possible! I recently moved home, and it fills the view from my living room window. That apart though, there is the cost to Sheffield of having this monstrosity being the first thing visitors see as they enter the railway station, at a time when the City Fathers are trying to promote us as a city of the future, a city to invest in. There is also the cost to the taxpayers. I'm not sure what the Council are proposing to do with this eyesore, but I see a team of workmen toiling away there every day. Perhaps they are volunteers from the Listed Building Afficianados Society striving to keep it going. I don't think so, someone is paying for this futility, and that someone is us.
  13. Does anyone know how to begin action to have a listed building unlisted, i.e., Park Hill Flats?
  14. I lived there 14 years, couldn't wait to get away!
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