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    Heeley Green

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  1. Trying to contact White Lion to see what time music starts/ends this evening. 0114) 255 1500 (number not recognised) and FB 'not monitored! Anyone help please?
  2. Curious as to what time it closes. Googled it and it says 4:00pm! Is that correct!
  3. Looking to replace my existing Unitron hearing aids. I've had them 4 years and they are now out of warranty. They need repairing/servicing and Unitron want £200 per aid! I can get my car serviced cheaper. The battery life is at best 3 days. Looking for recommendations as to where to go for a hearing test and then for what type to purchase. Hoping that someone can point me in the right direction as they are costly pieces of technology.
  4. Not sure if I can post this here or not! Handyman required to replace felt on flat roof garden shed. (8' x 6' Max) I already have the materials. If you're interested PM me a quote please. Heeley Green Thanks
  5. After I've fallen off the ladder!😄 Thanks.....but I don't fancy working from a ladder!
  6. Can anyone recommend someone who can do this please? Heeley Green area. Thanks in advance.
  7. attach a hook to a silver Victorian threepenny bit to make in to a necklace! Can anyone help or know of someone that might be able too? Thanks
  8. Having a clear out today and I know I have 2 laptops and probably 3 mobiles. Is there anywhere I can take them locally? Do places like Currys take them or do you have to have purchased new items from them. Do charity shops take them? Thanks Ooops posted twice. Please delete as I don't see how too!
  9. Can't reach them. 5 years ago I was able to trim them back as they were lower and not so big. I put the trimmings back over the fence on to the council land. A neighbour called the council who came round and told me that before throwing over the fence I should have called and 'offered them back'!
  10. There are trees to the rear of my house between me and my neighbour that are on council land. For many years they were maintained but nothing has been done for a good few years now. My garden faces almost due south and should have the sun nearly all day (what little we have of it) This year, for the first time the sun did not get in to my garden because of the height and density of the trees and they are overhanging the garden by a long way. Nothing grows in my garden, the lawn is like a swamp because the sun never gets to dry it out. I have my kitchen light on virtually all the time because it is so dark. It never used to be like this. Who do I contact at Sheffield City Council please? I am assuming that they have an obligation as it blocks my sunlight! Thanks
  11. Why didn't I think of that? I lived there long enough!😀 Maybe some repair work. I have discovered that she followed her sister Kate Constance Prior who married Samuel Johnson in Sheffield in 1892. Kate also died in Sheffield January 1953, but I don't know which cemetery she is buried in!
  12. Hi John Many thanks for all of that. On the 1891 census she is with her family aged 13. On the 1901 she is married to Charles Henry Flint who is a 'Stone Dresser'. Not sure if that would involve him travelling what would be a long distance then. I know that her family stayed in Woodstock so it was not her family's work that caused her to leave. Her sister is my great grandmother. Looks like Parsonage Street is still there, but no 31 may have been demolished.
  13. Doing some family history and have discovered that a great grand aunt is buried in Sheffield General Cemetery. I've been looking at the burial research page and see that there is a CD available to purchase. I then realised that my laptop no longer has a CD drive so no point in buying it! And the 'Contact us' link does not seem to work on the Research page. Does anyone have the CD to confirm that she is there? Her name is Edith Ellen FLINT nee Prior. BIRTH 26 FEB 1879 • Woodstock, Oxfordshire, England DEATH 2 APRIL 1941 • Sheffield, Yorkshire West Riding, England I would then be happy to make a donation to Sheffield General Cemetery Trust to try and locate the grave. I'm also curious as to how a young girl 120 miles away aged 20 might have met someone from Sheffield around about 1900. Thanks
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