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Tom in Bradway

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Everything posted by Tom in Bradway

  1. Ignore the negative comments above - you can choose to ignore the bad stuff and embrace the good stuff, it's the same wherever you go in the world. There was this dude, I can't remember his name, who said: "If a man is tired of London, he is tired of life. in London there is all that life can afford." Or something along those lines anyway. Enjoy the amazing people you'll meet from all over the world, the great parks, the fantastic nightlife, beers on the floating bars on the Thames (which is where I'm off to in about 10 minutes!) and everything else it has to offer. Just keep your hand on your wallet and try not to think about how much rent your paying
  2. off topic slightly, but come to think of it I got caught smoking down there by my teacher when I was 13. Any idea if its true about the 2 nuns? or is a load of knackers made up by unruley school kids like myself!?!?
  3. Crikey, that post is from yonks ago. Yeah, dead mans alley it's known as!!
  4. There's a church in Greenhill, next to the old School house, down the alley behind there's 2 memorial stones built into the wall. Don't know how true this is, as it was a bit of a myth that used to go round our school. Apparently some psycho pushed 2 nuns from the roof years and years ago and if you go down there at dusk and stand in a certain place you can hear the screaming!! Because of the way the alley is surrounded by walls and these head stones are set into an alcove, if it's a bit breezy it creates some very spine chilling noises! Even if you don't hear the screaming it's still a really spooky story. If anyones knows anything else about this I would be very interested to hear it!
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