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Everything posted by jenz213

  1. Can anyone clarify if I would need a ticket to see a gig at the Octagon ? We want to see James Holden there but not sure if we need to buy a full ticket or if we can pay on the door tonight ? TIA
  2. Wow thanks this looks brilliant ---------- Post added 22-02-2015 at 17:53 ---------- Thank you very much :-)
  3. Thanks Nigel , not sure how I reply to each person individually so a big thanks to all replies so far, it's been a huge help
  4. I have had 2 adverts under business listings and nothing ever came of it. Might give that another try too. Thanks ---------- Post added 18-02-2015 at 00:31 ---------- Fab , will take a look, really appriciate the feedback Jenny
  5. Hi, I want to know of any local magazines that sell advertising. Often a community or local parish magazine etc. We make Children's Themed Furniture here in Sheffield but don't currently get much local custom as we sell online, so mainly in London etc at the moment, but we would really like to reach out more in the local area. I hoped to pop an advert in several of these local magazines and would love any information on what they are called and if you know who to contact to speak to about advertising. We went through Whirlow on the way to the Peak District the other day and there seemed to be lots of nice areas around there, but any areas like this or even as far out as in the peak district would be good. Thanks Jenny
  6. hi thanks for most of the positive comments. just to let everyone know we have a new domain name and a new website under construction. the new domain is dreamcraftfurniture.co.uk. we chose a new ons for optimization purposes as we know more people are now likely to look for us under that name. our old domain will be added to our new host later today.
  7. Hi Guys Our small business, Dreamcraft Furniture and Interiors is a handmade childrens themed furniture making business located in Rotherham. We have been making our unique furniture for just over 3 years now and just plodding and growing at a steady speed. We have had a website for nearly 4 years which we were paying to be optimised, however we did not get one enquiry from this and had been more successful raising awareness on Ebay and Facebook. Then last week we had a sudden growth in Facebook likes and people started sharing one of or most popular pictures which is a VW Bunk Bed with working lights etc, from this it just went viral and we now have nearly 8,000 likes in just over 1 week !! Because of this our enquiries have bee none stop and our sales have grown by a massive amount. We are so pleased about how things have gone, but we are now having to expand to keep up with demand. Because of this we are now looking at a new workshop facility close to Rotherham but something not hugely expensive and prefferebly on less than 12 months as this is all new to us. If anyone can put us in the right direction as we have tried the RiDO but they do not have any units and they are not quite large enough. We have also thought about apprentichips if we were to take another person on, does anyone know how we could do this ? I have a meeting with the princess trust at the end of the week to help us and to see if there is any grants available, but does anyone else know of anything ? Also it would be great if any local media thought our story was a nice one to tell, or if there are any awards we could look at becoming part of in the future ? We will hopefully be featuring on a Channel 4 TV show with Sarah Beeny at the begning of summer. I hope you will find our story of interest and we would welcome any advice or networking opportunities you might have. Feel free to have a look at our FB Page https://www.facebook.com/pages/DreamCraft-furniture-and-interiors/110527928986294
  8. Hi There I have recently moved to the South Yorkshire area from Lincolnshire. I would like to invite you all to have a look at my unique furniture and give me any advice on any craft fairs or markets that you think would suit my craft. I have done some craft fairs down south, but would really like to try and embrace a local market. Please feel free to have a look at my facebook page, and send me info of your own crafts and how you trade in the local area. https://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/DreamCraft-furniture-and-interiors/110527928986294 Many thanks Simon Powell
  9. Hi Where do people in Sheffield or Rotherham train for Triathlons, especially outdoor swimming ? Want to start training for one, have never done one before. Thank you Jenny
  10. Hi all it's Simon here Jen's partner and I think this is my fault I have a soft spot for big dogs, we were only looking online for some hens, and ended up with an Akita :-/. So far despite their bad rep it isn't the akita showing any aggression he seems happy enough to ignore Max, apart from the humping last night I am sure this is down to him being frisky though as the girls at the kennels had a few problems with him too. I read into it a bit last night and seems I did it all wrong I now have been putting the Akita in the crate so Max can check him out safely and without being threatened. This does seem to have worked and he has been simply doing some silly growls and a wierd slow strut around the crate. I have walked them both last night without muzzles and today with the akita muzzled and they were fine didnt even seem to notice each other. I have tonight let them meet each other in the yard and then the house whilst muzzled and they did settle quickly. The akita seems very relaxed in the crate and Max is happy enough to lay and sleep next to the crate, so touch wood. I am very wary though as I have read that Akitas do not often tolerate other dogs and he is a big powerfull boy I dont want to get caught in the middle of a fight again ( ever! ). Anyone got any advice on the breed, as I have lots of experience with gsd but not the akitas. thanks Si
  11. Lets make a big splash about swimming this half term and get the kids water confident for the summer holidays!!!! Hi There I will be running swimming lessons throughout the 2 weeks of the easter holidays for all ages and abilities of children. The course will be open to non members as well as members. The groups will have a low ratio of children to teachers in each class. We will also be running a Rookie Lifeguard course for children between 8-15 over the two weeks. For more information please e-mail jennifer.wilson@virginactive.co.uk or call 0114 262900.
  12. It does seem that Max the GSD is just letting him know it is his space and Logan the Akita is very frisky so he keeps trying to mount him :-/ We have found a cage in Ecclesfield so going to pick that up in a bit and will take them for lots of long walks together. I am a bit unsure about getting them snipped, with the new dog that is fine he needs it, but Max has always been fine. Do you think if we get one done we should get them both done ? Thank you
  13. Hi All last night we rescued a dog from Sheffield Council Kennels. Our existing dog Max who is GSD has shown aggression I did not even know he had. There have been moments where they have sat together and been tolorant but it is very unpredictable. We need a cage for a large dog if anyone has a spare one they can sell or lend. I am sure it will just take time and they will get on. Any advice from people who have successfully introduced a new dog would also be great. Thank you Jenny
  14. Hi Guys I have just moved to Sheffield and want to join a netball team as I used to play netball in Lincoln in a leauge. I did live in sheffield about 5 years ago and played for stocksbridge. Please get in touch if you need a player and details of when and where you can play. Thank you Jenny
  15. Hi, I know how it can be to get motivated at the gym and feeling a sense of belonging is always a must. I have just joined at Virgin Active, and I have been to several leisure centres over the past couple of years, and I have to say Virgin Active has the best atmosphere I have ever come accross. All of the staff are so friendly and commited to helping you feel like you can achieve your goals :-)
  16. Thank you I shall give them a call.
  17. Hi There Photographers I am looking for any info on companies or individuals who run underwater photograph sessions to take pictures of babies, children and families and who will run the sessions at our pool in Sheffield. Please let me know any sort of leads as I have been looking lots and google and struggling to find anything. We want to arrange for parents to have the pictures, similar to what is offered at places such as Centre Parcs. Thank you Jen
  18. :banana:Due to relocation to the Rotherham/Sheffield area, I am ASA Level 2 Qualified and a previous Swim School Manager. From the 1st of Feb 2011: I will be available to deliver one to one lessons for Children from the age of 3+ I will also be available to deliver Adult one to one lessons, so why not swim yourself fit in 2012 !! If you are interested then please contact me on 07843899011 or send me a PM.
  19. The Leisure Centre I work at holds awsome pole dancing classes. We are in Gainsborough though, about 40 mins from Sheffield
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