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Jorge Turton

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  1. Hi Thanks yep I've realised that I have read the threads They are all right After emails telephone calls Facebook etc. I have now decided to involve the council to force someone to clear the land When I can see someone from the top flat I will speak to them but there is never much movement from them The downstairs flat landlord is quite rude and obnoxious and says it's all his land Even though he has only just cleared to land in his garden which was also bad . Oh well happy days I won't give up
  2. Thank you The land owner coppen is on the register but not the landlord I'm stuck now awaiting a response from council 🤔🤔
  3. Do I just go onto the land registry site Thank you very much for your quick response
  4. Hi Just need a little advice I would like to buy a piece of land at the back of my house As far as I am aware it is leasehold Who do I have to contact and how Many thanks
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